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Monday, August 04, 2014

Congressional Reform Act of 2012


  1. I have been advocating for many of these reforms for years.Elected officials are treated as our version of "Royalty" and it must end. If the reforms were to be enacted those running for office would truly be doing so out of a sense of service to their country. What we have now are a bunch of greedy power mongering elitists who vote themselves more power and money while we sit powerless and suffer under their rule.

  2. #6: Congress doesn't have to vote for a pay raise for themselves. They already passed "automatic pay increase" legislation in 1988. Their pay should be directly representative of the pay of their constituents.

    Otherwise, this list is something that ALL Americans could support - left, right and center.

  3. DREEEEAAAMMMMMSSSSSSS! This will never be reality! Nice pipe dreams though!

  4. The only way to get these changes thru is by killing them all and start over. Lets hope that the threats from the terrorists come true and they do attack Washington.

  5. Never happen, politicians voting for their benefits will not gain their approval.

  6. Remember,10.07, we are ALL domestic terrorists!

    We just need to go to work!


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