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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Common Core architect’s history ‘deeply biased’ against U.S.

School district delays implementation

One of North Carolina’s largest school districts is condemning the College Board’s new Advanced-Placement History curriculum, which has direct ties to Common Core, calling it a deeply biased, inaccurate and revisionist version of American history.

The New Hanover County Schools Board of Education adopted a resolution Aug. 19 that calls for a one-year delay in the course‘s implementation.

David Coleman, known as the architect of the Common Core national standards and its chief pitchman, is the president of the College Board, a private company based in New York that owns the SAT and ACT exams as well as the Advanced Placement, or AP, exams and curriculum.

“Coleman is now re-writing every College Board product to align with Common Core,” said Meg Norris, a retired public-school teacher in Hall County, Georgia, and an anti-Common Core activist in that state.

The College Board not only owns the AP curriculum but it administers the AP standardized tests nationwide to K-12 students, measuring their readiness to attend college. Coleman’s ties to the controversial Common Core national education standards and the AP course’s new take on American history has come under fierce criticism.



  1. The minestry of truth is working hard and soon you too will love Big Brother.

  2. My grandson (nickname:the Scientist) is about 2 grades ahead of his class in math, does most calculations, including algebra "in his mind". Scored low on common core test. Common Core is bull.

    1. Maybe your son cheats.

    2. Many people think their children and grandchildren are geniuses. Maybe he just works hard and well liked by his teachers and given better grades without actually learning the material. Maybe the other kids are way behind. Common core math is pretty straight forward. You know it or you don't.

  3. This is what communist do..re write history

  4. Common Core is designed to teach at the lowest common denominator. There is no room for accelerated learning. The problem of "why" two plus two equals four is more important than the fact.

  5. 6:36 To liberal Communist types in the education system, accelerated learning is "inequality". They want everyone to be on standard but to achieve that they must dumb down the curriculum to the lowest COMMON standard.
    The question is, why should we trust ANYONE from academia as they have proved for 30 years their educational philosophy is a failure!
    America and liberal/progressives controlling the system are failing on the world stage of education. FACT, supported by statistics.

  6. The facts about Common Core are that it's just one more thing wrong with America. We have way, way too many idiots, educated beyond their intelligence, making decisions for the truly intelligent populace.

  7. If it's the lowest common standard and dumbing down our students, then why is the higher achieving students having difficulty with it.

  8. Will some of the Magnet parents in the Wicomico County School system get the facts to Joe so that he can do a story on it and why they are closing down a magnet center so that they can get more Title I federal funding for the real low life dummies. They had to close down the Magnet Program and Pemberton Elementary School so that it could be considered a Title I school for that free money. The education of a higher learning student is not as important as that free money for the 53% FARM students. Free and Reduced Meals. We are feeding kids for free on our tax dollars almost every day of the week.

    The made the entrance test extremely more difficult and raised the standard so that less white students would pass the entrance exam. That way they can say there aren't enough kids passing the program so we will close one of the two Magnet Centers. I will bet that in less than 5 years they will close the Magnet Program in North Salisbury School so that your children will be forced to take class with the dummies that are only in school for a baby sitting service, to eat 3 free meals a day and play basket ball all year long while the white kids aren't afforded the same opportunity to play sports like they do basket ball.


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