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Sunday, August 03, 2014


The Ocean City Police Department would like to remind citizens of the skateboarding ordinance in Ocean City as there have been an increasing number of ordinance violations in recent weeks.

Citizens are reminded that skateboarding on public property is prohibited within Ocean City between April 1 and October 1. Citizens can, however, skateboard on the boardwalk between 2 a.m. and 11 a.m. each day during the summer season. The Ocean Bowl Skate Park, located at 3rd Street and St. Louis Avenue, is also available for skateboarders to enjoy daily from 9:30 a.m. until dark for a small fee.

In October 2012, Ocean City Mayor and City Council approved an amendment to the town’s skateboarding ordinance which gave skateboarders the ability to ride on the boardwalk during the same time that bicycles were allowed. This gave skateboarders a place to ride other than the skate park in the summer. During the winter months, October through March, the ordinance is relaxed and skateboarding is permitted throughout the city.

Anyone with questions about the skateboarding ordinance is encouraged to contact the OCPD at 410-723-6610.


  1. Some of the skaters and bikers must not know they can't "do it" during busy daytime hours on the boardwalk in the summer season. Or they just ignore the law and do it whenever they want to.

  2. Forget it! Skateboarding is here. The police have been looking the other way all summer. People are skating everywhere. The cats out of the bag. Leave the skaters alone.

  3. What the 11:12 dude said. You rock.

  4. Just this week I heard a lady complaining about just this in Marshall's in West OC. She was on her cell phone talking to someone and said they are in the Regency (sounded like it's right on the boardwalk) and they've stayed there for years but not anymore because they are up all night because of the skateboards on the boardwalk. She said people all on the beach were complaining also.

  5. I grew up back in the 70s when kids could go anywhere and skateboard,ride bikes and dirtbikes, go to school grounds and play ball but no more.Now they get arrested or ticketed for trespassing in shopping centers,schools and people wonder why there is moral decline and lack of respect in America.

  6. I grew up in the 70s too when kids could do all that.

    But they didn't do it outside people's freakin bedroom windows while they were trying to sleep.

    They didn't run little old ladies off the sidewalk either.

    I know because I was ONE of them and I'd be ashamed to hang with the pack of skaters there are today with their sense of entitlement at everyone else's expense!

  7. 12:50, I grew up in the 70's as well and I clearly remember my parents saying that if a parent were going to buy a child a dirt bike, then they should buy them the property to ride it on as well. We were taught to not ever infringe on other's property including parking lots which are intended for parking cars and not riding bikes, skateboards or loitering.
    The moral decline is caused by everyone thinking they are entitled to do anything they please. And by parents who think it is the government's job to provide entertainment for children. That's why there's moral decline.

  8. Someone was complaining about this on Facebook a few months ago. They were staying at the Howard Johnson's and skateboards woke them up several times during the night.

  9. Have you stayed in Ocean City. The sounds of sirens all night keep you up. From EMS to FD to Police. If that isn't enough a guy on a crotch rocket comes screaming down the road in 2nd gear going 40 mile an hour. Ocean City please understand that a skateboard is also a mode of transportation and it is not a crime.

  10. FEES:

    Annual Pass
    $60.00 Ocean City Residents
    $110.00 Non-residents.
    (Non-residents include residents of Berlin, West Ocean City, Salisbury, Delaware, etc.)
    Weekly daily passes are $12.00 each
    Weekend daily passes are $15.00 each
    Weekly passes may be purchased for $42.00
    Sorry, we do not prorate fees!
    A limited number of pads & helmets are available for rent

    Not very family friendly when you have more than one kid. A lot of people don't go because the fees.

  11. 3:21 using you logic the horse and buggy is a mode of transportation for some people (Amish/Old Order Mennonites) still, so should they be allowed all over Ocean City?
    We took a drive around OC the other day. I will say the landscaping is beautiful. The Boardwalk though looks a mess. Between the 8 million benches everywhere and those tacky lights that were installed. Get rid of those lights for sure. They should be against the law. They are eye sores.

  12. I have no problem with them riding a skateboard. The problem I have is with the ones that destroy things when they do all their fancy tricks.

  13. 2:44 you must have grown up here and nothing has changed.

  14. Reminds me of Dewey where the old people are trying to make it like Bethany,no kids,partiers etc.I hope the bar owners help change the people in power there next election.


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