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Thursday, August 07, 2014

Choptank Electric Phone Scam

We have had several reports from various members about a recent bill collection scam, called “The Green Dot” Scam. The scam starts off with a phone call. The caller will say they are from Choptank Electric and they will announce that you are past due on your electric bill. They request that the member hand over credit card information, or find a Green Dot Money Pack, otherwise the caller will disconnect their power within 15 minutes. DO NOT under any circumstances give out your information to someone other than a legitimate Member Service Representative from your electric cooperative. They can be reached at 877.892.0001 for any billing inquiries. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact us at 877.892.0001 or email us at info1@choptankelectric.com.

1 comment:

  1. Thank's for the tip,but as you know,some local knuckle draggers will fall for it.


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