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Friday, August 08, 2014

Choptank Customer You May Be Eligible

Choptank Electric Cooperative

SHORE UP! Inc. has received an EmPOWER Grant to help Choptank Electric Cooperative residential members living in Wicomico and Worcester Counties improve the energy efficiency of their home.
For a limited time, and on a first-come, first-serve basis, you may be eligible for a Comprehensive Energy Audit of your home and also qualify for improvements in energy efficiency that include upgrades in insulation, building envelope air-sealing and duct sealing at NO COST TO YOU! If you are interested, contact SHORE UP! Inc. at 410-749-1142 ext. 330 or ext. 356.


  1. Have fun! Delmarva Power is aware these people are arrogant, the manager there made my wife almost cry when she went in there to get an application for this program for Delmarva Power.

    How dare us middle income folks try to get into a program we qualify for.

    Be prepared to be made to feel like the scum of the earth.

    1. Why didn't you stomp on him ? Coward.

  2. What about Somerset county?????

  3. In the past, SHORE UP has employees who do energy audits (conflict of interest) in their own private business. Then there are more employees who do construction on the side with their own private business...this should create more revenue for these guys...lots of opportunity for "double dipping"...isn't government great? Not sure if this is still the case, but it is worth reviewing...or does it even matter?

    1. Sounds like a call to the I G OFFICE


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