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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Chicago crime rate drops as concealed carry applications surge

City sees fewer homicides, robberies, burglaries, car thefts as Illinois residents take arms

An 86-year-old Illinois man with a concealed carry permit fired his weapon at an armed robbery suspect fleeing police last month, stopping the man in his tracks and allowing the police to make an arrest.

Law enforcement authorities described the man as “a model citizen” who “helped others avoid being victims” at an AT&T store outside Chicago where he witnessed the holdup. The man, whose identity was withheld from the press, prevented others from entering the store during the theft.



  1. Thieves might be lazy, not stupid.

  2. This should be a wake up call to liberal Democratic politicians in Maryland. Yes, even the local ones. I live 1/2 mile from the Delaware State line. I can carry and protect myself in the Food Lion parking lot, but as soon as I go a block south into Maryland, I am breaking the law and become a criminal.


  3. 12:53 PM

    So if I'm reading this correctly...If in trouble call a Delawarean?

  4. Has nothing to do with the guns.

    It is the Mayor - Rahm Immanuel.

    Leave it to Israel to provide us with a real hero!

  5. If Mayor - Rahm Immanuel is saving Chicago, When is Rehoboth sashaying down here to save us.

  6. Year To Date Chicago murder Totals:
    Shot & Killed: 239
    Shot & Wounded: 1443
    Total Homicides*: 279

    The truth is, Mayor Rahm is on record pace to DOUBLE the murders in Chicago this year compared to last years 12 month total of 273. It's only August!
    Police involved shootings total 34 with 13 killed.

    Sources: : Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, DNAInfo Chicago, Chicago Redeye Homicide Tracker, NBC5 Chicago, City of Chicago Data Portal and CPD CLEARMAP.

    The whole premise of this article is Democrat LIES and DECEIT because the media actively participates in regular misinformation campaigns to cover for and shelter Democrat politicians from evidence that proves them to be inept and or incompetent.

    Gotcha DEMS!


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