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Monday, August 18, 2014

Brown, Hogan Make Pitches To County Officials

OCEAN CITY—Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan promised government officials from across the state Saturday that he would usher in a "new era of state and county cooperation," while Democratic rival Anthony G. Brown vigorously defended Maryland's strategy for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay.

The two candidates appeared separately on stage at the closing session of the Maryland Association of Counties summer convention. It was one of the closer encounters the two have had since winning their party primaries June 24, but too distant to resemble a debate.

Hogan, going first, slammed the record of the O'Malley-Brown administration on virtually every front, accusing it of driving businesses out of Maryland with its tax and regulatory policies and harming the budgets of local governments.

"The incumbent administration has balanced their bloated budgets on the backs of local governments, small business and struggling Maryland families," Hogan told several hundred delegates.



  1. Hogan all the way - be smart in how you vote, please.

  2. Where is the Brown-Omalley report card on bay clean-up,there is none. Money goes to enviro groups to spend on parties to get more money.

  3. A vote for Brown or ANY OTHER DEMOCRAT is to bolster what Albert Einstein said concerning exercises in futility. When one performs the same endeavor again and again with the same focus and control hoping for a DIFFERENT RESULT, the reality of that endeavor is rediculous. I concur with that assumption and if anyone cares to debate with me on the same,before they do I would ask them by what standard has ANY DEMOCRAT produced a product or theory that has been a viable fix to ANY problem in the last 60 years which has been the span of my lifetime. If respect is to restored to the Democratic Party,surely they`ll have to dig Harry Truman up and with his DNA cultivate a man with some moral turpitude and common-sense approach to the rigors of governing this Country! Bob Aswell


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