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Monday, August 18, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Autopsy reveals Michael Brown was shot SIX times in confrontation with police officer

Michael Brown was shot six times - including a final blow to his head as he fell to the ground - according to the first autopsy results released in the controversial police-shooting death.

Dr Michael M Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the city of New York, conducted the autopsy on behalf of the 18-year-old's family.

The unarmed black teen died August 9 after a confrontation with a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.

While Dr Baden did not comment on the heated debate surrounding Wilson's actions, he did say the sheer amount of gun shots was out of the ordinary.

'In my capacity as the forensic examiner for the New York State Police, I would say, "You’re not supposed to shoot so many times,"' Dr Baden told the New York Times.

'Right now there is too little information to forensically reconstruct the shooting.'



  1. 'In my capacity as the forensic examiner for the New York State Police, I would say, "You’re not supposed to shoot so many times,"' Dr Baden told the New York Times.

    That's why you're in a smock, with a pocket protector.

    You shoot to STOP THE THREAT. There is no rule, or law, that says how many times one must be shot to stop them. With the drugs so rampant, I'm sure there's a few meth or heroin users who may need several to take down.

    FFS, the logic in this case is as flawed as Trayvon.

  2. "former" is key here. Famous forensic pathologist who got in trouble with some body parts, I believe.

  3. So the witness who fails to mention he was with Brown while he robbed the store is not credible now a hired gun forensic whatever he is who did something on the OJ case says your not supposed to shoot that many times? Uh ok Doc. Which side wants justice? Does justice include just making things up and paying for opinions? Just curious?

  4. Definitely agree with 7:28!

  5. None in the back like his buddy said. Big liar now. No blood work back yet. If he was on something, it may take several shots to bring down a 6-4 290lb man. Espically if most shots were non life threatening hits in the arm.

  6. Shot in the front.... hmm Brown didnt appear to trying to escape or get out of danger. Shot in eye and top of head.... maybe charging at the officer once again just like the encounter had started seconds before.

  7. As a former Marine, multiple shots mean nothing. This is not the movies, people do not immediately stop and fall dead at the sound of a gunshot. I have experienced both good guys and unfortunately the other guy survive multiple gunshots. During combat or stressfull encounters we didnt even realize we had been injured until several seconds or even after the contact was eliminated or secured. This cops contact and fight for his life lasted only seconds. There was likely no "thought" but merely muscle memory, training, and the will to survive the potentially deadly encounter that enabled the officer to survive.

  8. We really don't know the truth of this situation. It should not be a matter of race, but facts. Did the officer have enough reason to believe that the young man was a escape risk, did he fear for his life, and did he pose a public threat? If there was a true danger, the officer has to do what is necessary to assure the safety of himself and the community. Racial slurs do nothing but intensify and already tense situation.

  9. Officer Wilson should be a shooting instructor. Most cops that shoot that many times can't hit the perp.

  10. Shot for times in the arm, and was still facing / confronting the cop! That thug had no fear, and apparently little sense. I'm guessing he had a little "help from his friends" in suppressing the pain of being shot four times. And it looks like as a result of not getting the message, the last two shots made it clear. That cop had an incredible amount of restraint to not shoot to kill the threat that was bearing down on him, with the third and fourth shots. He shot to wound, then shot to kill. Doesn't matter, Obama's administration will still see to it that he goes to prison.

  11. Hopefully he ran out of bullets.


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