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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Boom: ISIS Spokesman Who Threatened U.S. Just Learned The Hard Way Not To Mess With America

An Islamic State spokesperson who gained prominence for brazenly declaring that the terrorist organization – also known as ISIS – would “raise the flag of Allah in the White House” is dead, according to recent reports.

Abu Mosa made the shocking statement during a recent interview with Vice News.

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  1. Whatever happened to all of the YOU Crane news that we heard endlessly? Yes,once again we have been diverted.That seems to be the American way;become riveted to a specific news story one week and then totally lose interest in it the next.Diversion works well with us and Obama knows that.A month ago it was an all out war of sanctions against the great oppressor.Now Putin is barely mentioned.

  2. I guess he was the loser in this years "Hide and Seek" finals!

  3. Refreshing to see some GOOD news for a change.

  4. How are those virgins treating you now?

  5. The White House has already been infiltrated by Allah and Mooslims.

  6. So when do we have to fly the flag half-staff.

  7. Hopefully the pigs are chomping on him


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