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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Biden On Illegal Minors: “These Are Our Kids”

Said world will judge America by way it treats illegal immigrant children

Vice President Joe Biden believes the massive influx of children illegally entering the United States from Central America are the responsibility of the American people.

“These are our kids,” he said, according to the Associated Press.

Biden said the world will judge America by the way it treats tens of thousands of children, many of them delivered to the border by Mexican drug cartels.

In June, Rep. Nancy Pelosi suggested taking in the illegal immigrant children. “I wish I could take all those children home with me,” she told reporters.

In July she compared the underage immigrants to baby Jesus.



  1. As much as I would love to see Obama impeached or resign, I do believe this country would be far worse with Obiden in charge of anything

  2. Now I realize why they don't travel together.

  3. These are not our baby goats(kids) and we have no responsibility for them. Stop playing the humanitarian card except for our own children.

  4. Hey clueless Biden put them up in YOUR BIG HOUSE IN DELAWARE.

  5. Nancy, you can take them home with you. If any democrat actually did, I might listen to them with more of an open ear.

  6. His kids maybe.Biden is the one who can't keep his clothes on.

  7. Joe, these might be YOUR kids, but I don't remember me giving you permission to make them OUR kids.

  8. Anonymous said...
    As much as I would love to see Obama impeached or resign, I do believe this country would be far worse with Obiden in charge of anything

    August 8, 2014 at 9:07 AM

    It amazes me how many ignorant people make this comment.

    At least Biden is a legal citizen and he is not as stupid as you think or as stupid as you are.

    1. At least Biden isn't a Muslim

  9. There are right, the World is judging us... as a bunch of pussies and idiots!

  10. Nice tats, probably his dad is MS13 material. Welcome to the US?

    709 has the ticket.

  11. The World has been judging us for a long time and for the most part they all seem to hate us. No matter how much money we send them, and they always have a hand out, they think we are evil incarnate anyway.

    These are not "my kids" and I don't want anything to do with them. For the most part I think they are a "distraction" anyway for what is really coming across the border and it isn't "kids." But in my opinion they should be sent back home. They have asked many of them and they didn't say they came here because they were afraid of the violence in their home countries. They came here because they can. They found out that we won't send them back.

    What about all the money they we send to their home countries? What do they do with that? I think if we are going to have to support them here then we should stop sending aid there.

    I know it seems like this is sounding like a money issue with me but it isn't only that. Look at the way some people treat kids these days. Children as young as 6 months old being raped repeatedly until they needed reconstructive surgery afterwards. Kids kept in cages, not fed, weighing 45 lbs when they are teenagers. Children being exploited in porn movies. Some people are going to be jumping to the head of the line to take on these kids. And if they don't have a reason such as the above mentioned then they will do it for the "check" that will come with these children. So, how many can I take in at 1200.00 per month. Oh heck, I think I could handle six. Maybe I'll just quit my job, if I even have one, and I'll babysit the "kids."

    I'm sorry, but I am not very optimistic about mankind these days. We seem to be seeing what we think of as the worst, but I think we are only seeing the tip of the ice burg. We don't take care of our seniors, we don't take care of our veterans, and there are a lot of kids here in the inner cities who are scared to death to even walk to school because of the violence and gangs, but we aren't doing anything to help them. Chicago and Detroit would be good examples.

    People like Nancy and Joe would never actually take in any of these kids, just as they never have to abide by the policies and rules they inflict on us. It is just a good "sound bite."

  12. Dear 5:29 P.M.

    No one other than you accused anyone of stupidity...however, you obviously voted for for Biden and Obama...most people would consider you as either uninformed or stupid

  13. Can't any of our elected leaders see those tattoos on these "children"?

  14. Interesting how opportunistic his humanitarism is. Too bad he cannot impose some of that for the millions of unborn children that have been aborted over his career. Now, today, we have to protect the children but he will not 'impose' his beliefs to help protect those even more vulnerable than these...our unborn citizens.

    If this was a real emotion, most of which all our politicians have lost, he would be concerned about protecting all children.

    We should treat them well and send then on their way, just like all the adults that cross our border, although admittedly more difficult to accomplish.


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