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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Assateague Island Banning Drones As Of August 20th

Assateague Island National Seashore

Did you know that as of August 20, 2014, the National Park Service policy that prohibits launching, landing or operating unmanned aircraft (aka drones) goes into effect?

National Park Service director Jonathan Jarvis says, “We embrace many activities in national parks because they enhance visitor experiences with the iconic natural, historical and cultural landscapes in our care. However, we have serious concerns about the negative impact that flying unmanned aircraft is having in parks, so we are prohibiting their use until we can determine the most appropriate policy that will protect park resources and provide all visitors with a rich experience.”

Tell us - what are your thoughts on this new policy?


  1. says cant be launched or landed didnt say they cant be flown over

  2. That is the most ridiculous thing they've ever come up with is what I think of it.Rarely do I laugh at a post that's not supposed to be funny,but this is an exception.

  3. They don't have the authority to prohibit these activities.

  4. @9:55 the actual article states, "National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis today signed a policy memorandum that directs superintendents nationwide to prohibit launching, landing, or operating unmanned aircraft on lands and waters administered by the National Park Service." So go ahead and try it!

    @10:45 Why is it soo funny? What has caused this is IDIOTS not respecting a park. " These parks initiated bans after noise and nuisance complaints from park visitors, an incident in which park wildlife were harassed, and park visitor safety concerns."

    @10:50 - considering that the PARK is OWNED by the Government - YEAH they HAVE THE RIGHT AND AUTHORITY!!!

    1. gotta catch ya first HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  5. They don't want it broadcast on the internet that they have and allow Nude sunbathing!

  6. So, if the Military flies a drone over the area, I cannot be prosecuted for shooting it down because I am upholding the law and hunting firearms are legal to discharge there?

    I'm in.


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