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Monday, August 04, 2014

Army to force out 550 majors; some in Afghanistan

WASHINGTON — About 550 Army majors, including some serving in Afghanistan, will soon be told they have to leave the service by next spring as part of a budget-driven downsizing of the service.

Gen. John Campbell, the vice chief of the Army, acknowledged Friday that telling troops in a war zone that they're out of a job is a difficult task. But he said some of the soldiers could join the National Guard or the Army Reserve.

The decision to cut Army majors comes on the heels of a move to slash nearly 1,200 captains from the ranks. Army leaders were criticized at the time for giving 48 of them the bad news while they were deployed to Afghanistan.

The Army declined to say how many majors will be notified while they are at the battlefront.

"The ones that are deployed are certainly the hardest," Campbell told reporters. "What we try to do there is, working through the chain of command, minimize the impact to that unit and then maximize the time to provide to that officer to come back and do the proper transition, to take care of himself or herself, and the family."



  1. Hope and change, baby!

  2. This will make for a lot of happy lieutenants.

  3. They won't be so happy when they find out it's not going to bring their promotions any sooner, only create more work for the lieutenants. Treating veterans of wars like they do, it will be nice to know when the turds hit the fan local militia's have seasoned veterans who are more angry about our government than we are!

  4. We can not afford to pay the warriors of our country that protect us every day but O'Bummer wants almost 4 billion for his solution to fix the border. What a shame.

  5. Obama has made US military a pathetic puppet in the eyes of our enemies (maybe he is one of them).

  6. Sorry about you missing leg, son.
    By the way, you're fired.


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