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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Adviser: Ben Carson Is ‘Very, Very Serious’ About Running For President

In an interview with The Daily Caller on Friday, a close friend and adviser to Ben Carson said he believes it is likely the neurosurgeon will run as a Republican for president in 2016.

“I think he’s very, very serious,” said Terry Giles, who recently agreed to serve as chairman of the campaign if Carson pulls the trigger on a run. “If it were on the big board in Vegas, I’d probably be betting in favor of the fact he’s going to run.”

Carson — the former director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital — has acknowledged that he is considering a White House campaign. The author and public speaker has been increasingly mentioned as a possible candidate, following a burst of attention last year for famously arguing a conservative message at the National Prayer Breakfast as President Obama sat just a few feet away.



  1. Ben Carson is awesome...but...I fear that another black president will cause even more trouble in this country. The black population have turned on Obama and don't appreciate to job that he has done. I think Mr. Carson would be better suited as a peace activist. Someone on the outside of political corruption to speak for morals and family values. his books are wonderful. If more people would listen to his moral values there would be far less hatred in this country. Families of all colors need to hear what he has to say...but I'm not sure being in office is his venue.

  2. Trust me,once in office he would forget everything that Obama did wrong and all of his campaign promises.He needs to start small by running for a lesser office.If he can prove himself there then maybe a presidential run eventually.Right now he's like a boxer who only goes for a head shot instead of working the body.

  3. I cannot vote for anyone that is not tested and I cannot vote for anyone with a bad record....so looks like I will not be voting in 2016.

  4. Make no mistake ...he is being groomed....but it his handlers I'm worried about.

  5. You all thought Obama was god sent too.

  6. You got my vote Ben! I don't think being black will hurt him as much as the fact that he is Christian and not afraid to declare it. Can't wait to get my bumper sticker!

  7. God help him if he is Christian. Religion kills more people than racial issues.

  8. Go for it. I am white and I would vote for Ben.

  9. You can't change this evil government by running for office and voting for the right guy. Silly people.

    Wake up!

    The secret billionaires who run our government finance all of the campaigns and own all of the media. They will let you know when they have chosen a couple of candidates from whom you might choose to vote. Until then, hunker down and get ready for the worst tyranny you can imagine.

    The heroes are knocking down doors, beating up folks, and killing those who resist. Soon the chicken will come home to roost. They will all become cops.

  10. Is Ben Carson from Kenya? If so....I will vote for him....

  11. In order to be a person of wealth in this country, as Ben Carson is, you must be part of the conspiracy to destroy this country. Carson has to have an idea what is going on because he has helped to engineer the downfall of this country. We are all fools in a boat about to go down. We are on the Titanic folks. No rich man can save us... he will not want to save the system that made the golden calf. God help us!!!

  12. I hope he does run or at least gives it a shot. I would vote for him.

  13. If every mother provided the same upbringing that Mr Carson received think how wonderful it would be.

  14. black people Will never vote for him because he's got his head on his shoulders

  15. I agree 12:40. As much as I love Dr Carson who I've been a fan of well before his political views became known and he became a celebrity, it's his mother who I really admire and give most of the credit to. The question comes up-if you could meet anyone who would it be-for me it would be Dr Carson's mother.

  16. 11:15 but the question is...will hispanics vote for him?

  17. Excellent choice for President. One million times better than Obama.


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