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Saturday, August 02, 2014


The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and various groups representing illegal immigrants sued the federal government to stop the deportations of several illegal immigrant juveniles until they receive lawyers.

The lawsuit, J.E.F.M. v. Holder, was filed Thursday evening in Seattle, and it accuses the Obama administration of violating the "Fifth Amendment Due Process Clause and the Immigration and Nationality Act's provisions requiring a 'full and fair hearing' before an immigration judge."

The ACLU, the American Immigration Council, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, Public Counsel, and the K&L Gates law firm asked the federal court "to immediately block the government from pursuing deportation proceedings" of at least seven illegal immigrant juveniles.



  1. They have NO RIGHTS. GTFOH ACLU, AIC, NIRP, PC and K&L Gates. We are in a sad state right now.

  2. Obama succeeding in bringing America down the transformation is happening.

  3. Let them go home to hire their own hometown lawyers! Nothing is stopping them from getting lawyers if they want them. And, they can pay those lawyers out of their own pockets. And if they want a trial over here, they both will need passports and visas through the regular legal process and according to our present laws. Oh, and the lawyers will need to be licensed to practice here in the U.S.

    It's pretty simple to me. Nobody is here denying them legal representation.

  4. ummmmm...the "A" in ACLU stands for "American", right?? not illegal? How about defending MY rights to be safe from the illegals entering our country?

  5. Obama is trying to color America.
    White is the majority and he LOATHES that, absolutely HATES it. This is his way to bring down America.

    EVERYWHERE in the world there are people of color there are disproportionately horrid conditions. High crime, poor infrastructure, primal behavior, immorality,ignorance, pestilence and corruption. Obama has done everything in his power to bring that to the U.S. all while destroying what made America the greatest country on earth.
    This is his "fundamental transformation".
    Thank a liberal!

  6. How are Illegals covered by my constitution?? They are illegal, not American citizens! These groups need to be outlawed as subversives and "Enemy combatants", then lock them all up in Gitmo!

  7. The ACLU is a racist terrorist hate group. Kill them all.

  8. The illegal Aliens are already posting signs that say "White Americans are racist go back to Europe."

  9. Anonymous said...
    How are Illegals covered by my constitution?? They are illegal, not American citizens! These groups need to be outlawed as subversives and "Enemy combatants", then lock them all up in Gitmo!

    August 2, 2014 at 5:43 PM

    Constitution? What Constitution? Obama and the Democrats did away with that 6 years ago and you idiots did nothing about it.


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