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Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Fruitland Election Update


As you may know the Fruitland City elections are coming up. The deadline to file is September 1 at 430 pm. I just found out that the woman in charge of the election board decided this morning to move the deadline to tomorrow at 430 pm. So now anyone that was going to run and turn there papers in will miss the deadline. I don't even know if she can do this but it's a bunch of crap. She said she did it because of Monday being a holiday. She should have extended it to Tuesday.


  1. This is no big deal, the deadline was published long ago. Monday is a holiday so like anything else the GOB in Fruitland is closed. Hence the Friday deadline.

  2. This smells. Ray Carey is still trying to manipulate the election. Come on Fruitland see what he is, and somebody run. I know he is not up for re-election but he wants the people he wants so he can be elected President of Council - which would be a death sentence for Fruitland.

  3. 10:19 why don't you run instead of complain and throw stones? At least Ray Carey has served on the council. What have you done lately?

  4. I have been a Mayor of a Town for an extended period of time on the eastern shore. If I might ask what the heck have you done lately and by the way I would not live in Fruitland because of who is on The City Council.

  5. The date for filing for election has not been changed.Any information to the contrary is mistaken.

  6. Since September 1, 2014 is a holiday, the Election Chairperson, Mrs. Alexis Dashield will be available to accept Petitions of Candidacy forms over the weekend and on Monday until 4:30 p.m. The number is listed on the City website and also in the Candidacy form packets.

  7. Shouldn't it be "their" instead of "there"?

    Are you planning to run for this election? Is that why the date to turn in the paperwork is so important? No one turns out for the City Council meetings yet they love to complain.

    Good luck to all of the candidates.

  8. Serious candidates would have seen this and had their applications in a week ago.

    Maybe there no serious applicants?


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