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Thursday, August 21, 2014

60 Percent Of Democrat Voters Fear Bosses Will Switch Them To ObamaCare Policies

Oh no! Not that!

This is one of the reasons liberalism enjoys its moments of political ascendancy, but never really takes hold as a philosophy the nation accepts on an enduring basis. Simply put: One of the cures for liberalism is when its advocates find they have to live with its consequences.

When ObamaCare was passed in 2010, Democrats across the nation embraced it almost unanimously because they've always been in favor of "universal health care," and while ObamaCare was not quite the single-payer system most of them really want, it was the biggest step in that direction they'd ever had the opportunity to take.

But many liberals are actually two people. There is the assortment of opinions they hold in the abstract about how society should be. And then there's the individual who has a job, has a family, has to deal with the cost of living . . . and has a health insurance policy. Put that law in effect for the nation as a whole, but I'm good, bro.



  1. You get what your voted for you idiots!

  2. VOTE REPUBLICAN!!!!! You life may depend on it.

  3. LOL-democrat voters are in fear of being switched to obamacare.
    Couldn't have happened to a better bunch. Suck it up and deal with it should be the motto. And when the drug they've been taking and is working for them isn't on the approved list and they have to switch or pay out of pocket-good, severs the right for being such a fool. Experience is the best teacher for low IQ people.

  4. And this is opposed to the fact that 100% of Republicans fear the same?

  5. 9:46 republicans expect their bosses to do it - it would be a good business practice to save money by handing that liability to the government!


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