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Friday, July 18, 2014

Wicomico Council Discusses Tier Maps, Comp Plan

SALISBURY — Wicomico County’s Comprehensive Plan is well down the road to development and ready to be adopted in the near future.

Prior to that, some on the County Council this week questioned whether tier maps needed to be in place before the plan was locked in.

Councilman Bob Culver raised his concerns over whether it makes sense to move forward with the plan before resolving Wicomico’s longstanding questions over septic tier mapping.



  1. "Prior to that, some on the County Council this week questioned whether tier maps needed to be in place before the plan was locked in."

    We might not like it, but its part of state law. Ignoring it would be stupid.

  2. How restrictive are our tier maps. Sounds like the state wants to eliminate local planning and zoning functions

  3. 1:34
    They want to condense it. Its a bad law, but failing to comply would be even more devastating for salvaging what little growth there is in Wicomico County.

  4. I guess the gov will finish us off with his AFG plan that is on hold until after elections?


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