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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Why Obama’s Remarks Hardly Matter

Well, President Obama finally got serious about the downed civilian airplane. But this president cannot be taken too seriously, unfortunately.

Fox News digital politics editor Chris Stirewalt Thursday passionately described a key reason why Obama is unable to make authoritative statements anymore, noting that a president who is always trying to throw PR bling at the country gets lots of attention but entirely dilutes himself.

Obama of course starts out rather diluted to begin with. And his constant appearances are often goofy or demeaningly political. And then there’s the matter of his failed policies, indecision and empty threats.

But I digress.

According to Stirewalt:

His endless talking, his endless fundraising, his endless effort to control every fifteen minutes of every news cycle saps him of the ability to speak with authority and resolution when he needs to.



  1. Please tell us something we don't know Fox.To them this is breaking news.To us it's old and predictable news.

  2. Obama is just another kenyan king who has nothing to offer. He is a paper tiger and a worthless president. Nobody cares what he says because he is a documented liar and coward combined with being a criminal. The American people have nothing for leader.


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