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Friday, July 18, 2014

Why GOP Is Stuck On Deporting Illegal Minors

After more than a year of contentious debate, could Congress be any more divided over the issue of immigration? The answer is yes.

In the House, positions are hardening over what to do about the tens of thousands of families and unaccompanied young immigrants illegally crossing the southwestern border into the United States.

On one side are Republicans, and a few Democrats, who support changing a 2008 law that makes it impossible to quickly return the young immigrants to their home countries. On the other side is the House Democratic leadership, which after an initial period of waffling is now dead-set against such a change.

The House could quickly be headed toward a situation in which one side's top priority is the other side's deal-killer.

The 2008 law, formally known as the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, is a measure originally passed to fight sex trafficking of minors. For young people who come to the United States illegally from non-contiguous countries -- that is, from anywhere other than Canada or Mexico -- the law establishes an elaborate and very lengthy procedure in which the federal government is required to house the child, bring in experts to determine the child's best interest, unite the child with any family members in the U.S., pay for the child's legal representation and more -- and only then, years later, to determine whether the child has an actual legal right to be in this country.



  1. The no-brainer "Congress" is not discussing is the elephant in the room!


    Who let them in? Why? Did they have passports? Visas? Anything? Who let them in? Why were the not allowed entry? Why were they not turned away AT THE BORDER???????

    Close the door!

  2. They need to upgrade the border with larger fences and electrify it, since I would rather pay more taxes to keep the illegal out since it'll cost less for us later on.

  3. Who is watching all of these children on a daily basis. What about the minors who are adolescents? Wonder how many end up pregnant with anchor babies.


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