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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

White House 'Quietly' Exempts 4.5 Million People In 5 "Territories" From Obamacare

As WSJ reports, last week's geopolitical chaos and distraction was ideal for a news dump, and the White House didn't disappoint: On no legal basis, all 4.5 million residents of the five U.S. territories were quietly released from ObamaCare. It seems the costs of healthcare soared in these five territories due to uneconomic mandates - which woul dhave been a disaster PR-wise for the administration and so, under cover of catastrophe,WSJ reports all of a sudden last week HHS discovered new powers after "a careful review of this situation and the relevant statutory language," that enabled them to 'selectively exempt' American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, and Virgin Islands from Obamacare. And all while vacationing...

As WSJ reports,

The original House and Senate bills that became the Affordable Care Act included funding for insurance exchanges in these territories, as President Obama promised when as a Senator he campaigned in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and other 2008 Democratic primaries. But the $14.5 billion in subsidies for the territories were dumped in 2010 as ballast when Democrats needed to claim the law reduced the deficit.

As a consolation, Democrats opened several public-health programs to the territories and bestowed most of ObamaCare's insurance regulations, which liberals euphemize as "consumer protections," such as requiring insurers to accept all comers and charge the same premiums regardless of patient health.



  1. The democrats want their votes after they become states.....

  2. All the benefits of being a US state, with none of the worries. However, living in those "territories" is equivalent to living in the bottom of a porto john.

  3. Where does the authority to exempt certain regions/territories from federal law actually come from? It doesn't come from anywhere it's unlawful in and of itself. I am so, so sick of this POS administration and the thug nation it promotes. Cops killing people and their pets at will, thousands of unhealthy uneducated and unwanted intruders leaching off of a corrupt system, gov't agencies with their own armies..., where, oh where has America gone?


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