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Tuesday, July 08, 2014


President Barack Obama will attend three fundraisers in Texas next week but will not travel to the border to see the crisis that many say he has exacerbated by not enforcing the country's immigration laws and vowing to enact unilaterally more executive actions to ease deportations.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said at Thursday's White House press briefing that Obama is scheduled to attend a fundraiser for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in Dallas on Wednesday and two events for the Democratic National Committee in Austin on Wednesday and Thursday.

When pressed about Obama's decision not to go to the border and the military bases and detention centers where illegal immigrant children are being warehoused, Earnest said Obama has all the information that he needs from his senior advisors.

"I defend that by describing to you that there are a whole range of senior officials in this administration over the course of the last three or four weeks who have spent a lot of time in the southwest border," he said.



  1. when will everyone understand? this is b.o. doing what he said he would do; fundamentally change America. these are his words. they come from the Sal Alinski playbook. this was and is his plan. his plan is on track. does this compute??? I hope so, because I still don't think most get it yet.

    you know; once most get it we can then fight back. please hurry and figure this out for yourself so we can get back what we've lost.

  2. still lying, I C.

  3. 2:55 you are correct! The Libratards just can't walk away from the Obama alter long enough to let their heads clear so they can see the destruction this Administration is doing to our country. The Establishment GOP is not doing anything because they see political gain and the conservative GOP is not doing anything because of Political Correctness. The People need to remember they work for us and if we don't do something very soon, they will take control and we will wake up in a 3rd world socialist USSA. Call your representative, email them, write them.. make them aware that you will be voting in November and if they don't take action they may become one of King Barry's employment statistics.. working part time at Walmart, but gainfully employed! Hello Andy Harris... are you listening?

  4. anonymous 7:30, Why do you constantly go after Andy Harris, as if he is the savior. He is ONE of MANY Congressmen. Certainly reach out but to act as if he will save your world is just ridiculous.

  5. Joe,

    Because he is our representative!

  6. It's Mikulski and Cardin that will kneel at the Obama alter, 7:30. Write to them. Andy's on our side.

  7. Babs and Sleeping Ben will do nothing and they have absolutely NO fear of the sheeple in the State of Maryland. Yes, they do kneel at the alter of King Barry and there is nothing going to change that. Simple fact. Andy is in the House where he can put pressure on the financial purse strings... Andy needs to fear the people and he talks a lot yet shows no real action. Huffing and Puffing is not taking action..


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