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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Things That Make You Go, Hmmmmm?


  1. Truly should be the other way around...and in some cases birth control should be required!

  2. So sick of this BS. Hobby Lobby covers 16 out of 20 different kinds of birth control for women. Plus they pay full time emplouees $14.00 an hour and part-time workers $9.00 an hour. So stop trashing them on their religious convictions to not cover birth control that causes abortions.

  3. Anonymous 2:16

    All their items are from China. Their religious beliefs disappear when it tips turning them a large profit! It's hypocritical, and pad the supreme cout ruling as opens a dangerous door for what may be considered " religious beliefs"

    Jehovah Witness do not believe in blood transfusions to save lives. Does this mean you will be denied if your employer does not believe in this?

  4. Viagra should NOT be covered, period. It's truly a recreational drug 100%.

  5. 2:49
    Right out of the libtard dumbocrat talking points.
    Hobby Lobby also doesn't buy your meals. Does that mean you starve to death?

  6. Neither one should be "covered". Health insurance is not a right it is only a way for the government to control and destroy us. The very question is just wrong. No one in this country has ever been denied health care

  7. Picture perpetuates a false concept; those pills are regular birth control pills, not pregnancy terminating pills. They are the ones a responsible person would take. And they are so expensive that a month's supply costs almost as much as one Viagra.

  8. NONE of this should be covered. period!!!

  9. Viagra should NOT be covered, period. It's truly a recreational drug 100%.

    July 4, 2014 at 2:59 PM

    ur full of crap.

  10. Those birth control pills are covered! The only prescriptions not covered are the one's that terminate pregnancy after fertilization.

  11. Finally some sense on this site!!

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Finally some sense on this site!!

    July 4, 2014 at 5:22 PM

    Do you contribute any?

  13. Look at who placed the ad: Pro-choice NARAL. The exact opposite is actually true

    Craig Theobald

  14. More LIES from Democrats.
    Actually they are both covered and neither should be.

  15. "... No one in this country has ever been denied health care."

    Not quite true. Just ask veterans what kind of care they get from the VA.

  16. Almost all of Maryland's 8000 sex offenders get Viagra paid for by the taxpayers! Stupid, and then they go out looking for a child to have sex with!

  17. Why should I have to pay for a fishing license? That's fun too.

  18. 2:16 I'd like to point out, that while their religious convictions keep them from supporting those 4/20 contraceptive devices... they invest (401k) in the same companies that make said devices. Good stuff.

  19. 7:49, finally, someone to expose the hypocrisy.


  20. Agree; misleading 'ad'.

    I'm a male; don't see any reason for Viagra or its clones to be covered by mandate under any plan.

    In like fashion abortion causing drugs like those under focus should not be covered either.

    If you wish to use them, reach into your pocket and buy them; both are easily available.

    Coverage of 'regular' birth control pills really belongs with the above discussion....but....employers and insurance companies regard the expense as way, way cheaper than cost of a pregnancy, and thus are pretty comfortable in covering them.


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