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Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Stealing Of America By The Cops, The Courts, The Corporations And Congress

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy

Call it what you will—taxes, penalties, fees, fines, regulations, tariffs, tickets, permits, surcharges, tolls, asset forfeitures, foreclosures, etc.—but the only word that truly describes the constant bilking of the American taxpayer by the government and its corporate partners is theft.

We’re operating in a topsy-turvy Sherwood Forest where instead of Robin Hood and his merry band of thieves stealing from the rich to feed the poor, you’ve got the government and its merry band of corporate thieves stealing from the poor to fatten the wallets of the rich. In this way, the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. All the while, the American Dream of peace, prosperity, and liberty has turned into a nightmare of endless wars, debilitating debt, and outright tyranny.

What Americans don’t seem to comprehend is that if the government can arbitrarily take away your property, without your having much say about it, you have no true rights. You’re nothing more than a serf or a slave.

In this way, the police state with all of its trappings—from surveillance cameras, militarized police, SWAT team raids, truancy and zero tolerance policies, asset forfeiture laws, privatized prisons and red light cameras to Sting Ray guns, fusion centers, drones, black boxes, hollow-point bullets, detention centers, speed traps and abundance of laws criminalizing otherwise legitimate conduct—is little more than a front for a high-dollar covert operation aimed at laundering as much money as possible through government agencies and into the bank accounts of corporations.



  1. RC Cordrey will solve this "theft" case, who do they think they are messing with. He is cute too.

  2. times up America! once the brics start their own currency exchanges America will go down hard and fast. get ready!
    Remember when it comes the us government caused it!

  3. I don't really think these 1%ers and government loyalists understand that their children and families are going to have to pay with their lives for the crimes they are committing. Such narrow sightedness is going to devastate their own flesh and blood. Yet, that is what they have brought upon themselves and justly deserve.

  4. Terry Porter, Sharpsburg, MD knows all about our new Amerika.., and the cops that your TV set portray as the angelic truth. He knows all about the scales of blind justice and the sycophant black robes that tilt those scales..,
    it could be you next time. In fact, in your future it will be you, it's just a matter of time
    Any anonymous call could bring it, fellow free American.
    After all if your government would force a family farm to pour out their nearly 300 gallons of milk and destroy their 100 dozen eggs WTF makes you think they wouldn't bash your door in because some, unverified, anonymous POS called in a 'tip'?
    Cops are out of control in America!

  5. Ref; 2:55 AM

    The cops are nothing but a tool for the government that pits citizen against citizen for the sake of a job.

  6. Be prepared because the reckoning is on it's way. Soon very soon.


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