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Sunday, July 06, 2014

The Next Fire Palace In Salisbury

I'm not exactly sure why the Mayor of Salisbury is so willing to throw away millions of additional dollars on Fire Stations but the fact is, he is.

Station 2 is on the fast track of disappearing and a brand new Fire Station will be built. Here's the deal though. The new Fire Station will cost the taxpayers around $4,000,000.00+ while the old Fire Station 2 can be completely rebuilt to code for less than $2,000,000.00, (HALF) and they can even add on a second floor to the old Station 2. 

Even without the second floor, (GET THIS) the old Station 2 will still have MORE ROOM than the new one. 

There's a lot more information coming to the surface on this project but I'm waiting on confirmation before I expose another BIG story on this project. More to come...

So as a taxpayer, what's your thoughts on paying double and getting less space?


  1. They could build two fire houses for that, refurbish one and build another at the north end of town.

  2. Because he is like O'Faily and just like O'faily is like Obama bin laden...

    You are only allowed in politics if you are willing to do as they have...

    Which is why Brown is running for governor and why O'faily picked him back when to be his lt. Governor...

    the truth and sad thing is, how dumb you people must be, to just sit there and keep taking it... You keep allowing it to happen... Then you clowns use the radio and tv ads to make your choice on who to vote for which shows how stupid you are over the politicians because they are smart people especially if they can work you over and you just sit there and take it and allow it to happen...

    It shows you people have NO self respect let alone of others and you clearly don't give a damn about your freedoms...

  3. Sure as hell glad I don't live in "da bury"!

  4. What can I add the mayor and city spend our money like it's theirs, and we made it ours by voting for them, enough said.

  5. "God willing I will build the new Station 2." Jim Ireton

  6. This is amazing when Salisbury Fire Department was just arguing with Wicomico County over losing County funding. We are only funding their new and bigger toys, etc.

    Salisbury Fire Department does not deserve County funding. They bill the County every time they go outside of City limits. They bill for ambulance and fire equipment; per mile and for amount of hose used, water pumped, etc.

    What happened to "Protect Life and Property?" So sick of politics, and every Fire Department has them.

  7. Jim Ireton want the new station to look like the other new station.

  8. Not their money so why would they care.....the end is near


  9. I'm all for this but under specific conditions:

    1) Buy a bigger truck to house there so more can go for lunch.

    2) Build a professional grade kitchen so the fahrpersons can have healthy, nourishing meals.

    3) Improve the quality of restaurants in the lunch commuting range.

    4) Dig a canal from the river so the fahrboat can moor there.

    5) 'bury a time capsule.

    1. problem is, they have all this now. They choose NOT to use it

  10. Sounds like Gillis Gilkerson is hurting for more construction projects.

  11. No sense whatsoever but that's a democrat for you. If a new firehouse is absolutely needed then the prudent thing to do is what Pocomoke did when it was determined a new PD was in order. Buy an existing abandon building and convert it. This serves 2 purposes. It makes one less abandon building and turns it into a needed one.
    It saves money as well.
    Problem is in Salisbury the mayor and majority of the council aren't exactly what anyone could call smart. They seem like moochers good only at spending other people's money with nothing to show for it. Salisbury is really turning into an eyesore.

  12. What is the problem here. The amazingly smart people of Salisbury voted for this and they are getting what they voted for. No sympathy from me I do not live in the city and come the first of November I won't even live in the county or state anymore. It is a good feeling to know that this will be my last tax bill from the county and for the first time in many years I will only be paying the six month portion

  13. Democrats love to spend money.

  14. So someone please tell me what is wrong with the current station 2?

  15. The external maneuvering of emergency vehicles poses a problem.Leaving the Building to respond to an emergency is manageable because it's a straight shot onto the road.No additional land to re position the vehicles between emergencies appears to be available.



  17. Oh Lord please tell me this isn't true!!

  18. What is wrong with the old station?? Please tell me.

  19. So how many of you will be going before council, writing letters, seeking out authorities in charge, etc.

    The last time a fire house was built, folks were on Joe's site daily protesting. What did it get you -besides a new fire house?

    If you are so against a new fire house,or have better ideas, you better gang together and let your wishes be known to the proper people and agencies. Otherwise you will be looking at another new firehouse

  20. Jake day for mayor , he'll get the fd n pd on the right track. Jim is a clown

    1. NO Jake for mare. There's no difference in the 2
      both are NOT qualified. just because he helped build a patio @ Bennett doesn't qualify him for anything. Peter's principle. In a heiarchy every man is promoted to his level of incompetence. Jake's been there a while, now!

  21. Now now class,lets be objective.There are 2 sides to everything.

  22. "What is the problem here. The amazingly smart people of Salisbury voted for this and they are getting what they voted for"

    "Amazingly smart people?" I'm from the outside looking in and one thing you can be assured and that is that there are very few smart people in Salisbury. The place is an armpit and there is no excuse esp in the summer. Had there been real movers and shakers at the wheel instead of a bunch of nothings, in the past few decades Salisbury would be a have to stop destination on the way to the beaches. To borrow the words from Springsteen's Thunder Road "its a town full of losers" and it shows.

  23. Anonymous said...
    So how many of you will be going before council, writing letters, seeking out authorities in charge, etc.

    The last time a fire house was built, folks were on Joe's site daily protesting. What did it get you -besides a new fire house?

    If you are so against a new fire house,or have better ideas, you better gang together and let your wishes be known to the proper people and agencies. Otherwise you will be looking at another new firehouse

    July 4, 2014 at 1:11 PM

    Bingo!! Right on the money! All talk and no action!!

  24. Anonymous said...
    Jake day for mayor , he'll get the fd n pd on the right track. Jim is a clown

    July 4, 2014 at 1:31 PM

    Jake Day is the clown.

  25. Let's ask the volunteers from station 2 what they think about losing their old station. That's right it's gone!! History!!

  26. Why would anyone build a multimillion dollar station in the ghetto? This does not make any sense.

    I would like to see Jim Ireton build a very expensive house on the corner of Naylor Street and Church Street and live there for 20 years.

  27. I am a Station 2 volunteer and honestly, I'm probably going to have to walk away because of this. This is my tax money going down the drain as well. I just cant fathom how they can spend 4 million on a new firehouse when ours can be remodeled for far less. How can they justify spending 4 million dollars if the SAFER grant doesn't get renewed and they have to terminate 12 career positions?

    Oh, and I bet you guys will get a good chuckle when you find out who's in charge of the project on the city's end of everything. I'll let Mr. Albero fill you in on that one.

    All these years I've heard how evil Joe is and how he wants nothing else but to ruin us... Ha, now I get it Joe. I'm sorry I bought in to their crap and lies.

  28. Press Release:

    Lt. Cramer Achieves Certification as a Fire Protection Specialist.

    Tuesday, June 17, 2014

    The Salisbury Fire Department is proud to announce that Lieutenant Eric Cramer has achieved certification as a Fire Protection Specialist from the Certified Fire Protection Specialist Board. The Certified Fire Protection Board (CFPS) was formed in 1971 for the purpose of documenting competency and offering professional recognition for the individuals involved in fire protection, fire safety, and fire prevention. In 1998, CFPS and NFPA partnered to jointly offer this highly regarded certification program. The CFPS Board credential is internationally recognized as a mark of achievement within the fire protection field. This group of professionals included risk managers, loss control specialists, fire officers, fire marshals, fire inspectors, safety managers, fire protection consultants, designers, code enforcers, loss prevention professionals, building code officials, commercial real estate managers and others who have responsibilities dealing with the application of fire safety, fire protection, prevention, and suppression technologies. This coupled with his recent certification as a Fire Inspector III and Fire Plans Examiner place the City of Salisbury in a great position to provide for the fire and life safety of the citizens and visitors to the City of Salisbury through fire and life safety plan review, compliance inspections, and fire protection consultation.

  29. Eric Cramer


  30. I'm not sure why you would build a new firehouse when the volunteers are currently failing to respond to many of the calls.

  31. Many years ago a long range plan called for a fire station on the west side of the river,and for a station up north near the Centre of Salisbury.The west side needed a station because of delayed responses to that area when the two bridges are up. The SFD responds to many emergency events up north of town and because of city traffic, a station is needed up north. Then Gordo convinces everyone to build a palace on the west side of town. Remember???
    That money would have built a reasonable station on the west side, one up north as well as remodeling the downtown station which still needs to be there today. There are many large target areas in the downtown area that needs better coverage. Do a simple remodel of station 2 or give the land back to the owner and build one closer up north. Just 2 cents.

    1. Worth way more than 2 cents!

  32. Listen---You guys just don't understand,if we don't keep spending money we can't justify raising taxes!

  33. Might as well throw a boathouse in Leonards Mill Pond and give them a fire (bass) boat as well!!

  34. Joe can you run for Mayor agin? We need you, man.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Many years ago a long range plan called for a fire station on the west side of the river,and for a station up north near the Centre of Salisbury.The west side needed a station because of delayed responses to that area when the two bridges are up. The SFD responds to many emergency events up north of town and because of city traffic, a station is needed up north. Then Gordo convinces everyone to build a palace on the west side of town. Remember???
    That money would have built a reasonable station on the west side, one up north as well as remodeling the downtown station which still needs to be there today. There are many large target areas in the downtown area that needs better coverage. Do a simple remodel of station 2 or give the land back to the owner and build one closer up north. Just 2 cents.

    July 5, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    Your 2 cents makes cents to me.

    However part of the problem is that the Democrat idiots that control this city gave away a perfectly good fire station that would have protected downtown. Yes that station is needed downtown and now it is gone unless there is a way we can get it back. Democrats are nothing more than pure idiots. Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Laura Mitchell are controlling idiots.

  36. Congrats Eric Cramer now you are more qualified to be the fire chief than Rick Hoppes is.

  37. Anonymous said...
    I am a Station 2 volunteer and honestly, I'm probably going to have to walk away because of this. This is my tax money going down the drain as well. I just cant fathom how they can spend 4 million on a new firehouse when ours can be remodeled for far less. How can they justify spending 4 million dollars if the SAFER grant doesn't get renewed and they have to terminate 12 career positions?

    Oh, and I bet you guys will get a good chuckle when you find out who's in charge of the project on the city's end of everything. I'll let Mr. Albero fill you in on that one.

    All these years I've heard how evil Joe is and how he wants nothing else but to ruin us... Ha, now I get it Joe. I'm sorry I bought in to their crap and lies.

    July 4, 2014 at 9:26 PM

    Good response.

  38. Anonymous 9:26, Thank You. I have NOTHING against Firefighters. My issue has ALWAYS been about upper management.

    It has always been my quest and goal to expose what I feel is fiscal irresponsibility.

    Upper management AND Jim Ireton say ANYTHING, (including flat out LIES) about me.

  39. Hmmm.2 posts back to back with 44 comments each....

  40. Does anyone remember that the addition to Station 2 is fairly new and in excellent shape? There is nothing wrong with the old part of Station 2. The only problem is that it isn't new and the crybabies want a brand new fire station like Station 16 built in the ghetto for $14 million dollars.

    Who cares if it "is not up to code" most of the buildings they have to go into every day is not up to code.

    So what makes it up to code and why does it have to be up to code?

  41. That new addition is in remarkable condition and the roof can be raised and the walls reinforced to put a second floor on it for office space and living quarters. A fire alarm system and a fire suppression system can be installed for minimum costs and no private property is taken off the tax rolls. Wake up Salisbury and put a stop to Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Laura Mitchell.

  42. Has anyone answered 3:25 PM's question yet?

  43. I served on the task force 18 years ago when it was determine the next firehouse need was North Salisbury. Since then that was ignored building station 16 now looking to build station 2. The current station 2 should be eliminated from it's current location moving it to North Salisbury. Look at the number of calls on the North end they speak for themselves. The bitch is in 2016 there are plans to build that station by Tractor Supply after building a new station 2. Rather than look at buildings it's time to look at the volunteers who are failing to respond on calls over and over.

  44. Joe find a copy of the strategic plan done probably 20 years ago by members of the department in conjunction with a profession firm. It shouldn't be hard to find a copy.

  45. 3:25 PM

    The paid firemen are making excuses to get a brand new fire station because the old fire station doesn't have a working alarm. The want a working fire alarm system So they can feel safe at night when they sleep. Yes it is true when the SLEEP!!!

  46. Bill B. said...
    I served on the task force 18 years ago when it was determine the next firehouse need was North Salisbury. Since then that was ignored building station 16 now looking to build station 2. The current station 2 should be eliminated from it's current location moving it to North Salisbury. Look at the number of calls on the North end they speak for themselves. The bitch is in 2016 there are plans to build that station by Tractor Supply after building a new station 2. Rather than look at buildings it's time to look at the volunteers who are failing to respond on calls over and over.

    July 6, 2014 at 8:13 PM

    Bill Bounds is that you?

  47. Bill B. the problem with some of the volunteers failing to respond over and over again is they are burnt out. The Chief, and I use that term loosely, has done nothing to recruit and retain good volunteers. The numbers are limited at each station and the good ones are turning into the bad ones. Station 2 has a possible law suit with Rick Hoppes because of sexual harassment and other issues involving a female volunteer.

    Recruit and retain good volunteers to handle the very small amount of fire calls. Have a live in policy that actually works. If it works in Kentland and all throughout Prince Georges County it can work in Salisbury. It is not rocket science. Rick Hoppes wants all paid firemen that he can control. He treats the volunteers like crap and it didn't start with him. He is just carrying the torch. Sadly John Tull might be next in line and the same problems will exist.


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