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Sunday, July 06, 2014

The Name Has Changed But The Agenda Is The Same

Below you will find a press release about the former Sarah, (SPOOF) Lake, (now Rayne) formerly with the Daily Times until terminated for allegedly being involved in a phone spoof.

Nevertheless, check out where she's now working. If I'm correct, isn't this the group of Liberals that support certain and particular candidates like Jim Ireton, Jake Day and so forth? 

Interesting how she's landed a job with that organization...


I'm Sarah Rayne, your new Government and Public Affairs Director for the Coastal Association of REALTORS® and I look forward to working with all of you to strengthen our voice in local matters involving the real estate industry.

I have a strong background in journalism and graduated magna cum laude from Salisbury University in 2009 with a bachelor's degree in Communications with a focus on Journalism and Public Relations. I'm originally from Chestertown and I now live in Salisbury with my husband, Ben.

As a journalist, I spent a lot of time covering local municipal government - a task that involved research, comprehension and clear delivery to the reader of information on issues that directly or indirectly impact them. Development and maintaining positive relationships with government leaders on both sides of the political aisle was also a large part of my job. I'm confident that my experience has prepared me to represent CAR and you, while assisting the public in all things real estate.

Among my responsibilities as your new GAD are:

Attend local government meetings to monitor issues that have the potential to positively or negatively affect local REALTORS®.

Provide CAR members with a weekly report on actions taken at municipal government meetings while also providing a general update on local issues we're monitoring, as well as anything and everything we did throughout the week to further CAR's reach in the local political environment.

Work with CAR staff and members to reach more consumers by providing them with information they need to make investing in real estate easy and financially beneficial.
If you hear of any issues that are policy-related and need CAR's attention, please do not hesitate to contact me. I'm here for you and am happy to get you the information you need to be successful.
Click here to see this week's GAD Report.

Thank you, and I look forward to meeting all of you at upcoming CAR meetings and events.

Sarah Rayne


  1. Congrats are in order for finding someone to marry her. Sounds like her dream job to hang around the same people and get paid for it.

    That is about as nice of a thing as I can think of. Trying to not be so "negative" these days.

  2. CAR realtors just lost a client. I am looking at homes on the Eastern Shore of VA and was planning on calling a realtor licensed in both MD and VA for showings. I'm now going to call a VA agent who doesn't belong to CAR. I don't do intellectual dishonesty very well and this broad has proven time and time again that it's her agenda or it doesn't see the light of day.

  3. all that edumacation and she can't spell Mary Beth's name correctly...

  4. "As a journalist, I spent a lot of time covering local municipal government"

    Rephrase this so it is truthful.

    "As a journalist, I spent a lot of time working with a select group of local politicians and monied interests to manipulate municipal government"

    Just my opinion.

  5. See, kneepads will get you far in life, hanging with the slumlords.

  6. She must be a very nice person. If the Ben Rayne I know married her, he has no idea what a viper she can be.

  7. Her husband works for city.
    Obviously they don't do drug testing.

  8. 11:51 He's wearing a kilt... that should say enough.

    1. Official uniform of the pretentious douche.

  9. she should have never messed with you Joe. never let her live her transgresions down joe. you have the power to make her pay. The Snake!

  10. Ireton married them?

  11. Another liberal bitc- trying to make a name for herself.

  12. It's a wonder Ireton didn't throw her that $50k+ PIO job!! Waiting to see who buys that job.

  13. I wouldnt hire anyone from SU

  14. I'm glad she thinks investing in real estate is easy and financially beneficial. Sounds like a renter not a property owner or RE investor.

  15. she's just a slumlord lackey with an entitlement mentality.

  16. She neglected to miss her time with John Robinson's Delmarva Crossroads in her write-up.

  17. She took the fall for the Mayor and this is her reward.


    Sure looks like him.

    If so, that really speaks to the lack of impartiality she had.

  19. 1. The CAR actually donated more to republicans during the 2012 elections, and plans to do the same in 2014. This took 4 minutes of research.

    2. Human being who I do not like gets a job! is not news. Leave her be.

    3. You have a platform that reaches thousands of people. You seem to honestly care about people on the shore. You have power, and you just used it to harass a private citizen. Be more responsible. You are a better man than this.

  20. I plan on selling my house and upgrading to a home twice the size. I don't think I will do that any time soon because I am no longer a fan of CAR. I understand they force realtor to join then with an enormous fee to join. They have lost my business. I am still able to buy and sell my own properties without a license.

  21. The Coastal Association of Realtors is a crappy Piece of Shit union and they support dirt bag liberal candidates like Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Muir Bota.

  22. How did a journalism major miss the lesson on proper capitalization? Job titles are not capitalized unless they precede names. Fields of study (majors) are not capitalized unless they are proper adjectives such as "English."

    This is taught in elementary school.

  23. Aw, I don't fault the girl for finding a step up in life and finding happiness.

    But I wonder, did Jake Day or Jim Ireton give her a reference for that job, use their position to help her get it? I mean, it does seem odd that a disgraced journalist would find a job with the very organization that is the local version of the national PAC that supported Day. And it does look like Ireton in the back of that wedding picture.

    Not saying anything wrong is going on, but it does make a guy wonder.

    I also wonder, does the Ms. Lake now Mrs. Rayne ever stop to think about the happiness she may have deprived others from having with her so-called reporting? The over-friendly relationship she had with Ireton, as proven by that photo, demonstrates she was not unbiased. In one of my high school classes, I learned reporters weren't supposed to have those types of chummy relationships with people they report on.

    Again, I'm not accusing anybody of anything. But you have to admit, it makes you wonder. Guess it truly is all about who you know in Salisbury.

  24. 3. You have a platform that reaches thousands of people. You seem to honestly care about people on the shore. You have power, and you just used it to harass a private citizen. Be more responsible. You are a better man than this.

    July 2, 2014 at 12:54 AM

    What you say may be true, BUT, this is the same person, who along with others, attacked Joe. Not physically but attacked just the same.

    Joe maybe be a public figure and fair game, but he also has a right to defend himself.

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "As a journalist, I spent a lot of time covering local municipal government"

    Rephrase this so it is truthful.

    "As a journalist, I spent a lot of time working with a select group of local politicians and monied interests to manipulate municipal government"

    Just my opinion.

    July 1, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    As a journalist working with and pandering to Jim Ireton makes her qualified for that position with the Coastal Association of Realtors? I was going to become a realtor, but if I have to pay that enormous amount of dues to help pay her salary then I am going to change professions.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Her husband works for city.
    Obviously they don't do drug testing.

    July 1, 2014 at 12:18 PM

    Is there a story to tell?

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1. The CAR actually donated more to republicans during the 2012 elections, and plans to do the same in 2014. This took 4 minutes of research.

    2. Human being who I do not like gets a job! is not news. Leave her be.

    3. You have a platform that reaches thousands of people. You seem to honestly care about people on the shore. You have power, and you just used it to harass a private citizen. Be more responsible. You are a better man than this.

    July 2, 2014 at 12:54 AM

    I noticed you didn't report the Republicans you mentioned that took 4 minutes to look up. I didn't find any. Please tell us where to find the names of the Republican they endorsed.

    Is Jake Day a Republican? I didn't think so, but thousands of dollars were given to his campaign.

  28. That is Jim Ireton in the background. No if's ands or buts.

  29. Found this on FB. Sarah Lake takes the fall for Jim Ireton on the Spoof and Jim Ireton rewards her new husband with a new job. Funny how things work out in he city with Jim Ireton as the mayor. Looky down below in the Comments where the Salisbury City Council President welcomes him aboard and the husband of the Salisbury City Council Vice President congratulates him. Interesting how all the corruption in Salisbury comes to light. Corruption in the City of Salisbury and corruption at the Coastal Association of Realtors.


    Ben Rayne

    January 27

    I can finally announce this:

    Starting February 10th, I will be the City of Salisbury's newest Code Enforcement Officer! Thanks to Mayor Jim Ireton for believing in me and pushing me towards applying, thanks to my beautiful & wonderful wife Sarah Lake Rayne for supporting me through the whole process, and a special thanks to my best friend Chris Kane for giving me the last bit of encouragement when I felt like the job wasn't the perfect fit for me.

    2014 is going to be an awesome year!

    Like · · Share

    Chuck Cook, Jacob Day, Joey Gilkerson and 95 others like this.

  30. The Coastal Association of Realtors is nothing but a slime bag union. These salesmen are nothing better than used car salesmen who are required to join the union. It should be against the law to require anyone working to join a union and these slimebags charge real estate sales people $600 right off the bat. They are out to screw the home owner so be aware.

  31. 7:07 PM

    why are all those 'people' so excited about him, or anyone, getting a job as a code enforcer? I mean that job is right up there with dog catcher, paper boy, security guard at Walmart. I just don't get it.

    1. I guess he doesn't get many jobs.

  32. Let me get this right July 6, 2014 at 8:08 PM you are saying that the Coastal Association of Realtors is nothing more than a front for a Union? That is starting to make more sense to me now. Unions support Obama and the Democrats so that proves why they hired Sarah Lake. This also proves why CAR and the National Association of Realtors spent thousands of dollars on mailings to get Jake Day elected in the last City of Salisbury Election. So much for your theory about CAR supporting more Republicans in the 2012 election. Not only are they union slime bags they are liars and if they are liars they are thieves. July 2, 2014 at 12:54 AM. I will do my best not to use a realtor the next time I sell or develop my property.

  33. Anonymous said...
    7:07 PM

    why are all those 'people' so excited about him, or anyone, getting a job as a code enforcer? I mean that job is right up there with dog catcher, paper boy, security guard at Walmart. I just don't get it.

    July 7, 2014 at 1:20 AM

    Good point! LMAO. The low life is excited that the Boi Mayor who married them also got him the best job of his life. After all "2014 is going to be an awesome year!"

    Maybe Ben Rayne will get a high ranking job like Tom Stevenson did. After all that's all he was, nothing more than a code enforcer, paper boy, dog catcher. LMFAO.

    Jim has his sights on high places for Ben Rayne, after all he was the minister who married them.

    Watch Out Susan, Jim Beau may do the same thing to you that he did to Dr. Chambers.

  34. 6:40 AM isn't Julie Brewington a sales person in real estate now?

  35. 6:47 AM just google her name..

  36. Legislative Update – March 2013

    CAR Endorses Jake Day & Shanie Shields for Salisbury City Council
    Coastal Association of REALTORS® announced our endorsement of Jake Day, candidate for the Salisbury City Council, last Friday, March 22, 2013.

    “The Government Affairs Committee on behalf of CAR, support Jake Day and Shanie Shields for the Salisbury City Council Election on April 2nd 2013. After interviewing both candidates, the committee felt that Shanie Shields will help build positive economic partnerships to the city of Salisbury. We also believe that Jake Day brings the experience and leadership that will help the City of Salisbury prosper.”, says Joel Maher, Treasurer and GAC Committee Chair.
    Funds given to support Day are collective from the NAR REALTOR Party Funds which will be coming back to serve you locally; and $250 of PAC funds were given to both candidates. Maher asks, “Please help us support these two candidates in the upcoming election.”

    Click the candidates name to view their “One on One w/ Phil Tilghman” interview.

    Jake Day

    Shanie Shields

    Legislative issues do affect your business.

  37. July 12, 2014 at 4:16 AM

    I clicked on the "link" and didn't get anything. I'm sorry I missed that interview as I am confident Shanie would have been quite entertaining.

  38. Anonymous said...
    1. The CAR actually donated more to republicans during the 2012 elections, and plans to do the same in 2014. This took 4 minutes of research.

    2. Human being who I do not like gets a job! is not news. Leave her be.

    3. You have a platform that reaches thousands of people. You seem to honestly care about people on the shore. You have power, and you just used it to harass a private citizen. Be more responsible. You are a better man than this.

    July 2, 2014 at 12:54 AM

    Sarah, oops I mean anon 12:54 AM. What do you have to say about July 12, 2014 at 4:16 AM? Those 2 are not by any means Republicans. The best thing CAR could do is not give any funding to a Democrat.


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