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Thursday, July 03, 2014


A photo of two Texas police officers doing some grocery shopping is going viral.

Rebecca Vasquez was in the check out line behind Senior Officer Bryan Knief and Cadet Officer Anthony Vacarro, who had a shopping cart full of groceries.

"It just seemed a little odd just that they were in full uniform and everything," Vasquez said.

She asked them what they were up to and if she could take their picture.

"They actually told me that they were going to be donating the entire basket to a family in need," said Vasquez.



  1. whoopie. doesn't make up for all the beatings, rapes, murders, robberies, lies, etc.

    gonna take more than feeding someone dinner to make up for all the abuses.

  2. Feeling guilty I suppose.
    Mercenaries. In Texas no less...
    These chumps will tackle, beat and tase someone for crossing the street in the wrong place but watch illegals cross the border and do nothing! They are rats.

  3. Excellent work as usual. Especially when NO one would ever lift a finger to help a cop in the same situation.

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Excellent work as usual. Especially when NO one would ever lift a finger to help a cop in the same situation.

    July 4, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    oh cry me a freakin river. cops would never be in the same situation. they steal too much of peoples money to ever go hungry. you punks always try to make it sound that you have so bad, which is false. ur job is not that dangerous, truck drivers are in more danger than you whiners. and a lot of times they are in danger from cops.

    keep patting urself on the back, because you know no one else will, and for good reason: you don't deserve it.


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