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Sunday, July 06, 2014

Target Asks Customers To Leave Firearms At Home

Target is "respectfully" asking its customers to not bring firearms into its stores, even where it is allowed by law.

In a statement posted Wednesday on the retailer's corporate blog, interim CEO John Mulligan said that Target wants a "safe and inviting" atmosphere for its shoppers and employees.

"This is a complicated issue, but it boils down to a simple belief: Bringing firearms to Target creates an environment that is at odds with the family-friendly shopping and work experience we strive to create," he said.

In many states, carrying unconcealed guns in public is legal.



  1. I mean, just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD! I'm a 2nd amendment guy ALL THE WAY (2 .45s and an AR-15), but these folks are just being ridiculous and annoying!

    How are people supposed to trust that they WONT do anything weird? (well weirder than this!)

    If they really cared about the 2nd amendment, they would be a lot more responsible.

  2. So Target thinks the constitution ends at their doorsteps.

    1. You obviously didn't read the whole article.

  3. I'll leave my money at home as well.

  4. I never shop in salisbury without my sidearm. Haven't needed it yet in 30 years, but it only takes once...

  5. I'm a 2ao supporter myself, but advertising that your store is now a "Gun Free Zone" is a huge safety error! If all my employees and customers are carrying, then all my employees and customers are going to be REALLY POLITE to everyone, and we will have happy days always in my store.

    If I advertise a gun free zone, well, just look at school shooting FACTS.

  6. 6:21

    Yea and since Obama assumed office, I have gotten a job and moved out. FACTS.

    Nevermind that I was in high school in 2008...

    Causation <> Correlation my friend. Don't be ridiculous.

  7. But it's called TARGET!

  8. 6:08 - I thought conservatives were all about corporations and individuals making their own choices. This is Target's choice - we don't want guns in our store. If Hobby Lobby is about corporate choice, why can't Target have that same freedom? Because they disagree with you?

    1. They never said they don't want them..the bush was beat ll around .

  9. well great Target. you've just let all the gun toting crazies and thieves know that they can come into your store and do what they want. how stupid is that???

    think i'll pass on Target. for sure, NOT SAFE. duh....

    1. Your comment is ridiculous. Crazy people and thieves most likely can't legally carry so probably aren't stupid enough to do so. And they probably won't act out around people who can protect themselves and other unarmed innocent legal law abiding citizens!

  10. I'm still trying to figure out wth your point is, 631. No clue. Could you expound on this?


  11. 6:31 PM


    I'm still trying to figure out wth your point is, 631. No clue. Could you expound on this?


    July 3, 2014 at 8:19 PM

    I am too. Maybe he needs to return to high school?

  12. I never cared for Target anyway. This just gives me one more reason not to shop there

  13. 9:15 PM 11:00 PM

    who are you two talking to? anyone from this dimension?

    1. I'm talking to all the sheeple! Does that make me a baaaad man in your eyes? It doesn't matter. Sheeple only think about food handouts and keeping Up with the rest of the sheeple

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm talking to all the sheeple! Does that make me a baaaad man in your eyes? It doesn't matter. Sheeple only think about food handouts and keeping Up with the rest of the sheeple

    July 4, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    You have a broad definition of sheeple. You should try to focus more on any point you want to make. As it is, it's like a grain of sand getting lost in a gust of wind.


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