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Saturday, July 19, 2014

So True


  1. America is so damned OBESE it's pathetic. The fat chicks now refer to themselves as "Curvy."

    A fat chick with a "few extra lbs" also refer to themselves as "average."


  2. And the fat chicks sure God should not be wearing anything close to this.

  3. No kidding, 9:44. Those little things don't belong on a XL.

  4. For years now, it's been increasingly difficult to find women's clothing in smaller sizes. They don't manufacture as many anymore.
    I've notices as well in the smaller sizes they are now making the belly area wider in skirts and pants. If the garment fits me through the hips/butt area there is a big gap at the waist and I don't have a large butt or hips.

  5. And until month #9 we can't even tell if they're pregnant.

  6. OMG, all you bald fat toothless prince charming's chiming in on a woman's figure.
    You are so freaking hot you should be dating super models.
    Ya'll are too darn stupid to realize how lucky you are that any damn woman puts up with your gaseous, beer belly, lazy, hairy, fat asses.
    Superficial idiots.

  7. It is a set up, look to the left, all the bins are full.
    Probably some teeny peeny dude, making himself feel better making fun a chicks.
    No worries he will be fat and bald in a couple of years... and begging for a "curvy" girl to curl up with.

  8. Meanwhile back at Walmart...


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