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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Reid: The Border is Secure


  1. US Politicians are greatest liars on earth.

  2. He is a significant factor in the downfall of this country...

  3. Harry, the fourth stooge

  4. The Senator is an idiot.

  5. Harry Reid is just your average clueless retard who isn't intelligent enough to answer the questions asked of him in this interview. How in the Hell does he keep getting interviewed.

  6. If you want to get an idea of how the future of America will be take the time to rent the movie "Hunger Games" and then put yourself in the shoes of the pool of possible contestants. That my friend is the future of America and you are to stupid to understand what is happening. Harry Reid will be one of the elite while we will be peons.

  7. "But, surprise, he does, if he’s our Senate majority leader, whose net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars, according to OpenSecrets.org. When Harry Reid entered the Nevada legislature in 1982, his net worth was listed as between $1 million and $1.5 million “or more,” according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. So, since inquiring minds inquire, let’s try to figure out how Reid’s career in public service ended up being so lucrative. He hasn’t released his tax returns, which makes this an imperfect science, but looking at a few of his investments helps to show how he amassed his wealth."

    From an older news article I was just reading about his wealth. Something else I just noticed was that he hadn't released his tax records. Funny how Chuck Cook, Obama and the rest of the Democrats kept getting on Mitt Romney about his tax records, but funny thing their boy Harry was never asked about his!


  8. Harry Reid > Dorian Gray without the Botox.

  9. Harry Reid's skin looks like that of an embalmed dead person. He is loved by all the idiot Democrats like Jimmy Sarbanes, Tony Sarbanes, Chuck Cook, Rick Pollitt, Jim Ireton, Laura Mitchell, etc.


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