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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Price of Beef Rose 35% Under Obama

If Republicans want to start winning a national election, they need to worry less about the convention site, and more about learning to communicate with working Americans. This is the sort of thing that Reagan did well. That even Bush II did reasonably well. But that the party now seems to have entirely forgotten how to do.

If you’re going to Cleveland, talk about the price of beef.
The increases since June 2009 are: Beef and veal: +35.2%, Pork: +27%, Fish and seafood: +20.1%, Eggs: +33.1%, Dairy: +16.1%, Fresh Fruits: +13.8%.

At the same time, Average Hourly Earnings have increased by 10.1%.

The net effect is a severe downgrade of lifestyle. It means that meat becomes less affordable for more families.



  1. Keep turning animal feed into alcohol to add to gas and the price will go up some more.

  2. along with everything else

  3. Good maybe people will eat less of it! Good for the environment and good for your health!!

  4. everything rose under Obama!!!!

  5. That was called inflation in the 70's and 80's.

  6. 10:01 no thanks, and not true. Keep the lies alive, though.

  7. 7:44 not the original commenter, but it IS true. Also remember people, correlation <> causation!

  8. 10:01 and 7:44 i like meat and i want to eat meat and i don't want to be forced to pay high prices because you think it is bad for me

  9. 8:48 Obviously, if you can't eat certain meat, due to a medical condition... ok. But, for everyone else, meat is perfectly fine.

    Since, I guess, you're a vegetarian, or vegan... why is it you guys look completely unhealthy? Sunken and dark eyes, skin looks blotchy, or stained. Typical problems with BM's.

    I would support someone saying a raw diet is good, but that includes meats... all veggies and grains... not so much.

    If it works for you, great... but, please don't make blanket statements that meat is evil.

  10. Wait til gas goes up 12 cent more a gallon.

  11. Everything has gone up but our paychecks.


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