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Sunday, July 06, 2014

"Police Officer Lies Threatens Man Video Cops"


  1. no brainer. cops wrong. videoing cops is legal. now he can add assault to it. threats and intimidation.

    cops not knowing the laws are the problem.

  2. That is why you video cops in the first place... they don't even know the damn laws... They are told to just arrest people and let the courts decide... Then they get promoted by how many peoples lives they ruin...

    Cops are POS, their job is not to keep people safe but to make money and ruin lives... FOR THAT I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR ANY law enforcement... People become cops because they were abused as kids or something happen to them where they want to take it out on other people and get away with it...

  3. Anonymous 11:04 - What's your day job? Your statements are idiotic. People like YOU are also part of the problem with Society

  4. 12:35 PM

    That is YOUR opinion. I happen to agree with 1104.

    When you have the police going to a city council and telling them how much revenue they, the police, have brought into their community, in bargaining with that city council, something is wrong. (I apologize for the run-on sentence)

    WE all know what some of the problems of society are, and brother, YOU are one of them.

  5. Dittos to 11:04 and 2:22. And to 12:34- morons like YOU are the problem.

  6. Cops were wrong....WTF

  7. I have no problem with the cops doing what they did.

    July 2, 2014 at 6:39 PM

    then you sir and/or madam, are confused to put it nicely.

  8. 6:39 PM

    how is someone who is minding their own business and recording, ANYTHING, a thug? at first I thought you meant the cops, which would be much more accurate

  9. A lot of cop bashing going on here

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A lot of cop bashing going on here

    July 2, 2014 at 7:47 PM

    Not just here, or maybe you don't go anywhere else. Regardless, the kops have earned each and every 'bash', and more so.

  11. "To Protect and Serve" does not apply to the citizens of the towns or cities that the police patrol. They are there "To Protect and Serve" the corporations that they represent. Every town and city in this country is now its own Corporation. The police are there to generate revenue for said corporations. When it comes to the citizens they are there to Harass, Intimidate and Imprison them. The United States is already a police state.. More ppl need to wake up and realize this.

  12. To the nay sayers here is more proof of what I said earlier is true... Another raid gone wrong as I said it does everyday... but no COPS are not POS right? NO they do't lie and make shit up right?

    NO, oh NO they are not money makers for the highest bidder right? I mean how could they, they have anti mine tanks and trucks now... NO cops are here to help protect and serve right? isn't that what you all POS said?

    Wait what's this? OH another botched raid? oh this doesn't happen does it? oh no how could it, COPS are to be respected because they have a tin badge right?

    WEARE, NH — A “poorly planned” sting operation left an unarmed New Hampshire man dead; shot behind the wheel in the bloody and unnecessary War on Drugs. Despite evidence that contradicted officers’ claims about having their lives endangered, the shooters were not fired and faced no legal consequences.

  13. They hate being taped because they are guilty of wrongdoing, and the tape will prove it in a court of law.

    Of course, they will never be punished... the "Brotherhood" will do a full investigation.


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