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Saturday, July 05, 2014

"Opie And Anthony" Host Fired Over Racist Twitter Rant

WASHINGTON -- It's not that the guys at the "Opie and Anthony" radio show on SiriusXM haven't seen their share of controversy. They've withstood fines and firings before, but this time the corporate action against one-half of the team was swift, and because of the nature of the Tweets in question, could spell the end of the show in its latest incarnation.

Anthony Cumia, who has worked in radio with Gregg "Opie" Hughes for 20 years, was taking pictures at Times Square in New York when he was assaulted by a woman who thought he was taking pictures of her, he said. Cumia, in describing the incident in a litany of Tweets, said he was punched by this woman repeatedly. No police were called. Yet on Twitter he spoke of his personal persecution and repeatedly called out her race, calling her a black "--itch," "-unt," "animal," and "savage," among other names, and promising that if he was an "illegal gun owner" he would have shot her.



  1. Fired for sh- -t that wasn't even on the air & wasn't illegal. So, who's next?"

    Brendan Eich
    Craig James
    Justine Sacco
    Donald Sterling
    Shirley Sherrod
    Paula Dean
    Butt Dialing Papa John’s racist voicemail rant gets employees
    Vivian Schiller and Juan Williams at NPR

  2. Remember - the only racists are white ... just sayin

  3. When ya gonna fight back ?

  4. Cancelled my Sirius subscription...

  5. 8:38 Really, All races are racist, just as your comment was racist.

  6. I don't like broccoli, does that make be a vegetable racist? I even say it out loud, in public. It is green, it stinks and tastes lousy. It is lazy and relies on everything else to provide it with dirt, water, and sun to survive.
    Just because I do not like something, someone or a specific culture makes me a racist?
    Live and let live doesn't mean I have to like you. What about my freedom of speech and choice?
    We going a bit overboard with censorship.

    1. That's prejudice. Two different Things.

  7. Joe, this is the guy who linked to your site about the Parkside rape case.
    He was assaulted by an African American woman and threaten by 5 African American men as well and so he reported it on Twitter and called then what they were Savage Animals. I think Sirius is scared and mad that he didn't talk about it on -air

  8. All this media and political censorship is working out well keeping the sheep inline.
    Keep buying into it and we will be just like N Korea.

  9. Yet, 1:40, the black physically and verbally initiating an attack on a white photographer is somehow not racist.

    I'll call this shot. Neither was "racist". You pop me in the mouth, you may expect the same in retaliation and a few choice words to go along! I don't care what color you are!

  10. I have been watching this unfold on twitter. There have been a lot of people that have posted they have canceled their Siruis account. Just about all of them have even posted a picture of the cancellation notice.


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