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Thursday, July 24, 2014

O’Malley Struggles With The Sandman

Anyone who has had to sit through a meeting that lasted all day knows that sometimes it can be hard to stay focused.

Such was the case Wednesday, when during a long and unusual Board of Public Works meeting Gov. Martin J. O’Malley appeared to have trouble keeping his eyes open.

O’Malley, Comptroller Peter V.R. Franchot and Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp were all part of six hours of public meetings that began in the State Treasury Building at 10 a.m. with the exciting world of state bond sales and ended up the street until about 4 p.m. in the Governor’s Reception Room in the State House.

The timing of O’Malley’s struggles with the sandman — those early afternoon, right-after- lunch hours — came during a more than two-hour portion of the meeting set aside for discussion of wetlands permits for the controversial Cove Point liquid natural gas export facility in Lusby, Calvert County.



  1. Maybe if he spent less time traveling for his national political causes, including himself, he'd be rested for such important matters.

  2. Presidential material here! A sleeping clown would be better than what we have now.

  3. Topics of substance bore him

  4. let the meltdown begin!

  5. Quick somebody slap him hard across his face. It's your civic duty.


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