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Thursday, July 03, 2014

Obama rated worst president since WWII in embarrassing new poll

Americans think sitting President Barack Obama is the nation's worst leader since the last World War, according to a poll released this morning.

A third of Americans singled-out Obama as their least favorite president since 1945 in Quinnipiac University's latest presidential poll, just ahead of George W. Bush, who received 28 percent of the vote.

In a head-to-head match-up between the two most recent presidents, Bush and Obama, Bush narrowly came out the victor, with 40 percent of survey-takers saying he was a better president than Obama and 39 percent saying he was worse.



  1. I did not need a poll to tell me that.. I just look at my bank account

  2. he could care less

  3. anonymous 8:31, With all due respect, (and I see this a LOT) It's, "He COULDN'T care less".

  4. I guess we're all racists now...

  5. With the way things are going in the middle east, he may be worst president since WWII, but he might just be the one getting us into WWIII (3).

  6. Consider this:

    Bush has declined to say anything about Obama while Obama has blamed Bush for anything and everything. Couple this with the media's vilification of Bush and adoration for Obama and you see how truly remarkable this is. Obama doesn't just suck, he sucks so bad that people realize it even with all the cover he has been provided!

  7. Good point 10:10, good point.

  8. I bet Jimmy Carter is happy happy happy.


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