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Friday, July 25, 2014

Obama Is No Reagan


  1. Throughout history America has been under assault from those that want to destroy the beacon of freedom in the world. Whether it be openly through war, or propaganda, or counterfeit currency, espionage, proprietary theft, etc...
    It never worked. Our Government stayed one step ahead of the Communists, terrorists and all of those that sought an end to freedom and prosperity.
    Not any more. This country is finally succumbing to the onslaught, ironically not from abroad but from the inside.
    Democrats, Socialists and liberals,
    inspired and driven by those very Communist and Marxists have worked diligently for years to sway opinion and corrupt Education and values, they have stoked hatred and mistrust against morality and traditional American values.

    Currently, Obama is their champion. He HATES America and is determined to destroy the very principles that made it great.
    Unfortunately, the liberals in the Education system for years have dumbed down our society to the point that people simply can not read the writing on the wall and see the downfall of our once great nation.
    Say NO to these forces of destruction. DO NOT VOTE FOR ANOTHER DEMOCRAT AS LONG AS YOU LIVE. PERIOD!

  2. not even anywhere close

  3. You F*n idiot Democrats are the blame for voting in this illegal Muslim from Kenya. You people are the blame for the death of our once great nation. You Democrats need to be shot for treason.

  4. "You Democrats need to be shot for treason."

    20 years ago, I would have been appalled at that statement. Unfortunately, I'm beginning to arrive at the same conclusion.


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