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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Obama administration cries racism to cover for unpopular policies

Have you heard the one about the black attorney general who sits down with a black reporter from ABC News to talk about America’s first black president? “Sure is a lot of racism,” says the AG. Rim shot.

Yeah, not a very funny joke. But that’s the point — it’s not a joke. It actually happened last week.

Eric H. Holder Jr., the first black man ever to hold the post of attorney general, sat down with senior Justice Department reporter Pierre Thomas for an interview.

“There’s a certain level of vehemence, it seems to me, that’s directed at me [and] directed at the president,” he said. “You know, people talking about taking their country back. I can’t look into peoples’ hearts, look into peoples’ minds, but it seems to me that this president has been treated differently than others There’s a certain racial component to this for some people.”



  1. Obama and Holder are the real racists. this won't cook anymore...

  2. Their tactics will hurt any other black or half black candidates in the future.

  3. Let them cry racism all they want. If calling out an incompetent corrupt administration is racist then wear the label proudly.

  4. They need to realize it's not because their black, they suck at their jobs!

  5. Play that card in order to hide the fact that they cannot do their jobs and are basically nothing but political whores.


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