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Saturday, July 19, 2014

North Carolina Governor To Sign Bill Replacing Common Core Standards

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory (R) issued a statement Wednesday that he will sign a bill passed by his state’s legislature to review and replace the Common Core standards.

As wral.com reports, grassroots groups of parents have pressed North Carolina lawmakers to repeal the Common Core standards. The state House voted 71-34, however, to approve a compromise measure that creates a new state commission to review educational standards and recommend the replacement of defective Common Core standards or those that are inappropriate.

While an earlier state House version of the bill would have outright banned the commission from retaining any of the Common Core standards, the compromise follows the state Senate’s version, which permits the commission to choose the best standards, whether from Common Core or another set of standards.



  1. Is it any secret that the country is trying to find a curriculum that at risk students can learn? Too bad about the kids who were learning fine. They don't count. If certain groups aren't achieving, throw out everything.

  2. Keep up or be laid back. No child left behind means provisions for them will be made so's they can get through. It doesn't mean dumb down everybody else.


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