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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Iraq: 'Islamic State' Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Orders Female Genital Mutilation of Two Million Girls

The leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham has asked all families around Iraq's northern city of Mosul to circumcise their daughters or face severe punishment.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the self-declared Islamic State, has ordered the female genital mutilation of two million Iraqi girls to "distance them from debauchery and immorality".

The "fatwa" issued by the Sunni Muslim fighters would potentially affect four million women and girls, the UN resident and humanitarian coordinator in Iraq Jacqueline Badcock told reporters in Geneva by video from Irbil.

"This is something very new for Iraq, particularly in this area, and is of grave concern and does need to be addressed," she said.



  1. These are Obama's people. They are the very Islamists that he has been entertaining in the White house his whole presidency.
    There have been more Muslim guests there than American congressional members.
    These are the people Hillary Clinton has embraced. Her chief of staff has ties to the Muslim brotherhood, Huma Abudain Weiner wife of the pervert Anthony Weiner...

    What say you, Democrat socialists?
    You're stupid morons that voted for this crap!! Idiots all. Like Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton! Thank them for female circumcision.

  2. isn't that just special...aren't they sweet. hello NO. these are evil people and their goal is to take over the world and change everyone to their way of life. caliphate. period. GET IT???!!!

  3. The more that I read and learn about Islam the more I realize that it isn't a religion at all. It is more of a fanatical cult or conven for the depraved. Their Caliphs and Imams and Allamahs and Ayatollahs are nothing less then another form of Jim Jones or Charles Manson or Adolph Hitler or Idi Amin Dada. These immoral perverted 'infidels' are, in all manners, degenerate Nazi clones bent on the destruction on any real religion and are truly the enemy of mankind in general. For ANY business (Subway, etc.) or government (USA) to acknowledge and further these cultist's practices is nothing short of a crime against humanity.

  4. Where are all the liberal hypocrites whining about the war on women? This is a true assault on LITTLE GIRLS, yet I don't hear a peep from the defenders of women's rights. The silence is very telling.

  5. The Obama admin has proven failure in foreign policy! They've done nothing to halt this group from undoing and taking over any progress made in Iraq. And still they sit back and consider what to do. Too late! The mess in the world today is because of liberal views of "give peace a chance" and "we shouldn't be the only super power in the world." Terrorists don't care about peace. They are out to kill us "infadels" and will succeed until people with a "peace through strength" attitude returns to the White House. And remember it was the Clinton admin who sold our military secrets to China in the first place!

  6. 12:53 & 7:03
    Well stated.

  7. These are Obama's buddies - and doesn't Obama have two daughters, yet he approves?

  8. ISIS also warned all Christians to convert to Islam or be killed. Those people were better off when Saddam was their leader.

  9. Don't think for a minute this won't come to the good ole' USA in a decade or two.

  10. This story has been debunked as false


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