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Thursday, July 24, 2014

[Graphic] Terrorist’s Funeral Ends With Unexpected Surprise: “Allahu Akbar”

Islamists love violence and s their ther they’re holding their child in front of gunfire to blame Israel for killing their children, or detonate a car bomb in a busy public square, no task is too gruesome for a devout Muslim terrorist.

Perhaps the most honorable means of fighting infidels is to strap a suicide bomb vest to their chest and take as many non-Muslims with them as they can, which is exactly what one of their own did.

At the fallen terrorist’s funeral, however, there was an “unexpected surprise,” leaving many of the late bomber’s fanatics in the same position as their dear hero.

Apparently, the person who prepared the body to be carried through the streets forgot one very important detail – removing the suicide vest.



  1. Maybe we should start paying the funeral directors to put them on these guys - this should happen more often!


  3. one word to describe these people. EVIL

  4. The bible has warned us of this. thorn in our side..


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