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Friday, July 18, 2014

FREEDOM IS NOT FREE | A Soldier's Pledge


  1. I wholeheartedly agree with this, and support our troops in every way. But with our current Commander in Chief, I'm afraid we have become the world's biggest terrorusts, and I offer no apoligies to this. I an so proud to have our young men volunteer in the armed forces and am behind them all the way, bur after swearing to uphold our Constitution and defend our country, we send them out on wars that have absolutely nothing to do with defending our borders, and further insult them by leaving out southern border not only open but with an open invitation to all.

    Then, when we're finished "using" them, we decide that there's no such thing as caring for out veterans that we used for our gain, and let them suffer at home waiting years for treatment, as we respond instantly to the illegal undocumented idiots we let through our unprotected border caring for their every whim and need.

    I get it now.

    Bang bang.

    How f-ing sick is this?

  2. Our Commander in Chief is nothing more than a POS! He's a commander about like Hitler was.


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