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Saturday, July 19, 2014

First Family To Spend Rare Weekend At Camp David

President Barack Obama is foregoing his usual round of weekend golf at a Washington suburban military base. Instead, he and his family are choosing what is for them a rare woodland getaway: a weekend at the presidential mountaintop retreat of Camp David.

The family was leaving Friday for the isolated and heavily guarded hideaway in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains. The White House said the family weekend had already been planned and that he would return to the White House on Sunday.

The escape from the White House caps a fierce week of foreign policy eruptions, highlighted by a downed commercial jet liner over Ukraine and Israel's ground offensive into Gaza, as well as maneuvers over how to address a surge of Central American migrants at the U.S. border.



  1. If Obama wants to get away from the WH this is where he needs to go. No matter what anyone says when he is on vacation it is not the same as being at Camp David or at their home as was the Bush Ranch.
    These places unlike hotels and never before visited private residences are already set up for a presidential visit. As with a president's home, everything including safe areas, escape routes, armored vehicles in place, landing zones, etc have been planned before they even take the office.

  2. I hope that they shortsheet all of the beds.


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