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Monday, July 28, 2014

Fairfax County seeks ways to address overcrowded housing issue

Bags of potatoes and other groceries clutter the kitchen floor of the apartment Dionicia Gomez and her two sons share with a married couple. A bathroom medicine cabinet is stuffed full, and the Gomezes’ bedroom overflows with clothes, toiletries and three beds.

“This is what one must do in order to provide a home for your children,” said Gomez, whose apartment is part of a bustling complex that overlooks a golf course outside Falls Church. “There are a lot of people in this area living the same way.”

Fairfax County has struggled for years to find a way to address such overcrowding, with county inspectors repeatedly citing homes for having too many families living in them, and planners and lawmakers searching for ways to promote more modest, affordable housing in a community filled with spacious single-family homes and McMansions.



  1. I've got no pity for any of them. Fairfax is a Democrat haven, so let the Dems suffer with the over crowding that they've created. In fact, I'm hoping the chief POS forces more of those 3rd world kids to locate there.

  2. Pay the rent for one family or get the F out. go the hell back where you came from.

  3. If they didn't send all their wages back to the hellholes they come from,they could afford the rent.

  4. If you don't like it go back to where the hell you came from


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