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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Do YOU Understand?


  1. What exposure will they ever have to it?

  2. None 4:27 but still not a reason to be uninformed. Shoe button hooks weren't a part of my life, but if I see a picture of a shoe and a shoe button hook together, I understand the relationship.

  3. The use of a pencil or the reward of the musical effort?

  4. No, the use of the pencil to wind the tape. Think about it.

  5. A lot easier and quicker than using your finger nail after the tape player ate another tape. Thanks American ingenuity for CDs and digital music. Although nothing beats the sound quality of new vinyl on a great player and stylus.

  6. I was completely amazed when three weeks ago I saw cassette players, brand new and in boxes for sale at Wal-Mart. Haven't been back but I dragged my roommate over to prove I wasn't crazy or going into insulin shock


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