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Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Despite 50 Years Of Progress, Morale Gap Among LGBT Workers Persists

Last week, in a White House ceremony marking LGBT pride month, President Barack Obama announced his administration was working on an executive order to formally extend workplace protections to transgender federal employees.

That was only the latest move in a series of efforts to expand the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender federal workers that have marked Obama's tenure in office.

After the Supreme Court invalidated key provisions of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which had barred the federal government from recognizing any same-sex marriages, the Office of Personnel Management moved swiftly to rewrite regulations to open up more than 1,100 rights and benefits to LGBT employees and their families. Two years earlier, the Obama administration played a key role in ending the ban on openly gay troops in the military.



  1. Isn't all this crap already covered?! Do we really need to be that specific? You would think the employee workplace protection would cover everyone.

  2. I don't want to be forced to 'know' that they're even there! Keep your whining to your self!

  3. "the latest move in a series of efforts to expand the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender federal workers that have marked Obama's tenure in office."

    Isn't that something! His "tenure in office " is "marked" by his "series of efforts to expand the rights" of Lesbians, gays and transgenders."

    He really is something to be proud of isn't he?
    Any one who is proud and supports this abomination is a loser!

  4. So, how is his performance on the job? Oh, that's not the issue here? It's his only qualification for the job is that he's a fag? Nothing here on whether he's doing his job?
    This is the criteria now?


  5. Their sick, I work with one and in the beginning they would talk personal crap that NOBODY wanted to hear, even their other half would come there @ lunch time and sometimes kissed right there in front of us,(gross) until one person finally complained to the office manager about it to put a stop to it. The person thinks that some of us are ok with, but were not. Just wish they all would go back in the closet and stay there.


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