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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Dems push ‘radical’ citizen-funded, unrestricted abortion

Ted Cruz blasts bill putting U.S. 'in company with North Korea'

An emotionally charged Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Tuesday highlighted the escalating controversy between social conservatives and Democrats who are trying to establish a constitutional right to government-funded birth control and unrestricted access to abortion.

At issue was the Democrats’ Women’s Health Protection Act, S.1696, a bill that would eliminate nearly all state limitations on abortion and bar states from adopting new ones.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said the bill “would make abortion common, without limit and paid for by the American taxpayer.”

“That is a radical view held by a tiny minority of the American public but championed by activists in the Democratic Party,” he said.

Cruz said the majority of Texans do not want to see late-term abortions made a legally acceptable procedure.


1 comment:

  1. Uh- I sure don't agree with this. Why should those who are against abortion (for moral, ethical, or even religious reasons, or any reason) have to pay for something they are against? If you want one, pay for it yourself. Don't expect me to pay.


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