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Thursday, July 24, 2014



  1. Too bad he did not fly to Israel on Malaysia airlines via Ukraine...im sure this idiot moron had an army protecting him ..will somebody please shut him up

  2. At least 80% of his constituents hold the same education level as he does. It makes him feel more "normal".

  3. He as well as other politicians so this to deflect from the real issues like a public school "education" system that doesn't educate at all.

  4. You guys know he's not in charge any more, right?

  5. And, the person who wrote the first and last sentences does not have a first grader's grasp of the basic rules of capitalization.

  6. 9:18 Oh he's "in charge" alright. It's called The Golden Rule-He with the gold rules.
    This lesson is something no one should ever forget.

  7. So exactly how is it the Mayor's fault that TEACHER'S are Failing at doing their jobs? I am sure that the Mayor Interviews, and hires each and every teacher! Yeah right! The Teacher's need to do what they are paid to do - EDUCATE (teach how to read, write, spell)! It is not the Mayor's fault that the people of that area are STUPID!!!! He just used that to his advantage! Just like any other politician would! So the caption of CLUELESS is totally INCORRECT!!!

  8. You are either an apologist or lack forward thinking skills, 11:15. If a school system is failing then the mayor who is in essence the CEO of the city, needs to put in place or demand to have placed administrators who can get the job done. It's not like it rocket science. The mayor can also make it a mission to work to get parents more involved with the schools because contrary to what you think, the main reason children aren't being educated rests exclusively on the backs of dead beat parents and that's a fact and don't you ever forget it.

  9. ahhhh....its NOT the parent's fault for letting their kids run the streeets 'til 1am on a school night, or not checking to see if they are doing their homework, or checking their report cards (and wondering why they are getting failing grades), or going to school and asking why their child was PASSED to the next grade level when he/she can't even read the back of a cereal box?? It's the TEACHERS fault, huh? Try teaching 25-35 kids at a time, with 5 or 6 (or more) talking, walking around the class, sleeping, harrassing other students, fighting, and even threatening the teacher --- all condoned by the administration in order to avoid being called racists for suspending or expelling any minority.
    The great majority of you have no idea whatsoever of what actually is going on in most public schools.
    You should be outraged that we are more concerned with "self esteem" than "learning"; that we place much more emphasis on "equality of punishment" than "equality of learning". Or, that we suspend Susie for having an aspirin in her purse (she's white), but let John (he's black) get "in school" detention for beating up (for the fifth time) kids in the hallway, merely to avoid the NAACP filing a lawsuit for "discrimination" or being called a "racist" principal (there goes that career). Or intimidating teachers into passing the star running back on the football team, even though he can't even spell his own name.
    The list of parental failures and administrative cowardice is endless.
    Very little of the waves of ignorant and stupid children being graduated and thrown into the real world without the ability to count, read, write, reason, and think objectively is the fault of teachers....
    The overwhelming blame lies with YOU.
    "Life is hard. But it's much harder when you're stupid."

  10. Bravo, 1:21 p.m. I am not a teacher but have been inside those walls a lot to see EXACTLY what you are talking about.

    I would not be a public school teacher for anything nowadays.


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