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Sunday, July 06, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Hostage Situation In Salisbury

There is a hostage situation in the 600 block of Smith Street in Salisbury. The swat team is there and in full gear. We will update this post when more information is available. 

UPDATE: Suspect was removed without incident. Apparently the police were searching for this individual after 2 people were allegedly shot last night at a BBQ in Salisbury.


  1. ok and at what bbq were 2 people shot?

  2. Getting just like Baltimore, the City that Bleeds. People are forever getting shot at BBQ's, weddings, birthday parties, etc. Utter and complete garbage. Animals are more civilized. It's not going to get better. They are not raised properly as children. They value nothing including life. Have no positive role models. It's no wonder. Most idolize Obama and you can not be a positive influence if you support Obama because then that means you approve of lying. Better off just letting them continue to kill each other. It's not like they would ever contribute anything positive to society anyway, so they are better off dead.

  3. Glad to hear harm was avoided.

    Kudos to the police for getting it to a safe ending for all.

  4. My understanding is the fight started over a basketball game in the street,Terrell Williams shot 2 people firing 3 shots at them. The injured then proceeded to run/walk to PRMC.

  5. 3:04, Don't you find it INTERESTING how there's been no press release about the shooting?

    I hear from PRMC Staff that there's almost one stabbing per day, sometimes up to five in one day.

    I also hear there's an average of one overdose per day at PRMC as well.

    You'd think as bad as things have become we'd hear a lot more about just how bad Salisbury, (and especially HEBRON, drug wise) has become.

  6. Joe I agree 100%. I've seen so much insanity like this go on almost every day.
    I've seen my share of shootings,stabbings, murders,drug dealers,prostitutes,junkies,and even an arsonist try to burn down the half-way house he was staying in, TWICE. And yet you can never find any info. The biggest story I can remember making headlines at all the outlets was of a SPD officer stealing candy from the 7/11 that is now a laundromat. Sad indeed.
    Your site is the only reliable source for "REAL" news that I am able to find, and I'm thankful for that.

  7. I live in Delmar and I am always seeing articles now about heroin busts in the Delaware area. It seems to running rampant. And you know if it is in lower Delaware, it is certainly in Salisbury. But you are correct. I don't see much about it in Salisbury.

    The mayor must not have approved those press releases.

  8. The Hebron problem involves two brothers and the hint is house fire arson unsolved! That occurred at the drug dealers house.

  9. But, But, But Jim Ireton and Matt Maciarello say crime is down in Salisbury. This can't be true!!

  10. Echoing 3:37, this is really the perfect place for actual news on the shore.

    As for analysis, well it is quite opinionated and biased.

  11. anonymous 6:40, Comments, yes. Opinionated and bias, I am bias towards the left, I've never hidden or disguised that in any way.

  12. 3:04 PM
    2 shots. I heard them. Woke me up a little before 4. I thot someone was knocking on my sgd with a hammer. All outside lights on then all inside lights on revealed all doors windows & screen locks in place. I figure it was the gun shots, but didn't hear about this until about 4 pm, some 12 hours later. So much for safe streets when you can't play BB at 4 in the morning. Also, guess we need a safe barbecue initiative. This excuse for raising taxes to pay for safe streets wears a little thin. Also just told there were no murders for 3 years here(i didn't think so)so somebody spoke too soon. (SA)

  13. The daily rag does a disservice to residents in it's distribution district. "It" is rampant ALL OVER THE SHORE. Some of us know why.
    The paper (if you can call it that)needs to inform the public of the goings on for their safety. Is the mare afraid he won't obtain another grant if these incidents are reported? He's not using any money for that which it was intended anyhow! Bring back honest journalism!

  14. 6:44

    I know, and I respect you for that! Hence why I still come here even though I disagree with most of the opinions you hold!

  15. They are all on vacation. A press release will have to wait until someone smart comes back that can write it.

  16. people just love complaining. this happens everywhere. move if you dont like it

  17. Stop lying 8:21. This does not happen everywhere. Go and educate yourself because you are nothing but an fool. Salisbury rates very high in crime per capita. Even the municipalizes and incorporated towns around Baltimore and DC metro area have much lower crime rates.

  18. Move to Florida and you will think the crime in Salisbury is nothing. All the news is filled with in every town and city is violence. It is happening everywhere and it's only going to get worse.

  19. I used to be part of the problem in the past. You can believe that the situation is far worse than the news reports.

  20. I would love to be able to tell people just what is really happening.I have been right in the middle of it and have been one of the lucky ones to be able to get out.

  21. Well then quit bitching and move 12:25. So I guess it only happens here?


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