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Saturday, July 05, 2014

Antarctic sea ice hits second all-time record in a week

Antarctic sea ice has hit its second all-time record maximum this week. The new record is 2.112 million square kilometers above normal. Until the weekend just past, the previous record had been 1.840 million square kilometers above normal, a mark hit on December 20, 2007, as I reported here, and also covered in my book.

Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center, responded to e-mail questions and also spoke by telephone about the new record sea ice growth in the Southern Hemisphere, indicating that, somewhat counter-intuitively, the sea ice growth was specifically due to global warming.



  1. This headline is really misleading.

    You know why the Antarctic sea ice level hit a record high? Because the land ice (glaciers) hit an all time LOW.

    Think about it this way: Watch a glass of ice water melt. The water level remains the same right? No biggie. Now add more ice. THAT is what is happening in the Antarctic.

  2. 809, just where does the "add more ice" come from? New water? Where do you get this?

  3. 8:26 It comes from beer you dingbat!

  4. This should prove to anybody of normal intelligence that man made global warming is just a hoax. Just BS to get more tax money and to redistribute the wealth of the US to third world countries.

  5. 8:26

    The "add more ice" comes from the land aka glaciers that are actually melting and causing the amount of sea ice to increase to this "all-time record high".

    Think about it, there is ice in the water already - this is sea ice. If that melts, nothing happens to sea level. The crazy environmentalists that show you pictures of melting sea ice and go nuts? They are idiots.

    But when you add more ice that wasn't previously displacing the water, well the sea level goes up. Adding more ice to your glass from the freezer is the same as glaciers falling from the land into to ocean. Its not a conspiracy, its 8th grade physics! Try it at home!

  6. You are all too set in your ways,unable to relate to any theories other than your own.

  7. We're in the beginning of an ice age.

  8. 10:08 you said it Theory not proven no evidence of man made global warming. Just BS spread by leftist liberals.

  9. The liberal left just thinks they are smarter than everybody else. So they have to dictate everything we do because we are to stupid to make our own decisions. I have news for you we can and will and have been up I until now making our own deciisions for 238 years.

  10. Global warming.

  11. Hey, everybody, there is a finite amount of water on earth. Some is solid, some is liquid, some is gas.

    Same existed back in the ICE AGE.

    Then, global warming happened.

    Then, there was ten minutes of Industrial Revolution.

    Get it yet?


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