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Tuesday, July 08, 2014


(NORTH EAST, MD) – A large pit bull that had reportedly chased a woman into her home was fatally wounded by a responding state trooper after it charged the trooper this afternoon in Cecil County.

At about 2:30 p.m. today, two troopers from the North East Barrack responded to the unit-block of Plum Shore Road, North East, Md., for the report of an aggressive dog on the loose. When troopers arrived, the complainant told them she was trying to get to her car from her home when the dog charged at her growling and barking. The woman fled to the safety of her home before the dog reached her. The dog was known in the neighborhood and troopers were shown the house where it belonged.

Troopers responded to the unfenced home and received no answer at the front door. They checked the rear of the home and found a sliding glass door standing open and damage around the wooden door frame. Troopers could hear a television on inside the home. Fearing a burglary may be underway, troopers checked the residence and found no one inside.

As they left the residence, the troopers saw a large pit bull across the street, matching the description they had previously been given. The dog took an aggressive stance and then ran directly toward both troopers. The dog stopped about five feet away and was growling and barking viciously. The dog then lunged toward one of the troopers. In fear for his safety, the trooper fired his State Police issued .40 caliber pistol, fatally wounding the dog and ending the threat.

Maryland State Police investigators responded to the scene to conduct an investigation. They interviewed multiple residents in the area who were familiar with the dog and said it was frequently loose in the neighborhood and was aggressive. Witnesses said the dog had charged toward them on previous occasions.

Cecil County Animal Control also responded to the scene. The investigation is continuing.


  1. Lets see what really happened
    Loose dog, barking, (they do that) with wagging tail approaches you to be petted. You do not know the dodg so you assume it is going to bite you and you kill it.
    Do I dare ask why animal control wasn't called?

    I know we had 3 dogs running the neighborhood for a year. 2 pits, 1 black lab. Both pits were friendly the lab was skiddish and would bark at you and run away.

    The grey female pit stayed with me during the day and her owner was clueless, never looked for her.

    Despite weekly calls to animal control NOTHING was ever done. For over 1 year. Right here in the city of the bury.

    So why have this department?

  2. 7:36 And you know this, because you were there? There was a threat... there is no longer a threat. People should keep their dogs in their own yard, and this wouldn't happen. But, it's easy to blame the officer, so let's do that.

  3. 8:05, If you'll recall, over the weekend we published a story/video of a guy who came home to an environment in which the Police went into his back yard and shot and killed his Dog. The Dog was in a fenced in back yard.

  4. Officer needs to go back to the gun range and practice, the dog is still alive, bad!!!

  5. Joe, are your dogs fenced in ? I hope I'm the next officer that has to respond to your residence for something; please let the dogs out.


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