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Sunday, July 06, 2014

$76 million net system to prevent suicides off the Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge moved a big step closer to getting an oft-debated suicide barrier after bridge officials on Friday approved a $76 million funding package for a net system that would prevent people from jumping to their deaths.

The bridge district's board of directors voted unanimously in favor of the funding for a steel suicide net, which includes $20 million in bridge toll revenue. Federal money will provide the bulk of the remaining funding, though the state is also pledging $7 million.

A tearful Dan Barks, of Napa, who lost his son, Donovan, to suicide on the bridge in 2008, said after the vote that he was almost speechless.



  1. I can't imagine what it's like to lose a loved one to suicide. Neither can I imagine how crazy these people are to spend 76 MILLION dollars on a net to stop it!

  2. pffffftt... let 'em jump. who cares

  3. So let me get this right? They are spending 76 Million to keep people from Jumping to their Deaths?


    Its their lives, so be it....

  4. A waste of money. The jumpers will just find another way. Should, instead, make it easier for them to depart this screwed up world.

  5. Can I jump to the net and then from the net?

  6. That's how stupid politicians are, like that is the only bridge to jump from?

  7. they dont advertise it, but our own bay bridge has jumpers.

  8. Ridiculous, if they want to go let them go, they will find another way.

  9. With my luck I'd do a belly flop & create a tsunami.

  10. The 76 million will be taken out of the mental health appropriation.

  11. There is just no end to the governments ability to find new ways to piss away the taxpayers money.

  12. Is suicide illegal? If so,what would be an appropriate punishment for someone who has killed him or her self?

  13. You guys are just not getting it. A jumper stops his car on the bridge and goes to the edge, looks down and realizes that not only is this initial plan is not going to work, the first step will cause pain, and then require a second decision to climb up the net and jump a second time. His parked car in the traffic lane will become a traffic hazard causing accidents and maybe some deaths. He makes a decision to get back in his car and remove the hazard to others.

    So, he has to make another plan, like driving into an abutment or something.

    I know, I've had to do this several times.

  14. I know, I've had to do this several times.

    June 30, 2014 at 11:15 PM

    Keep trying and good luck.


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